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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:议论文 Argument Essay登出时间:2016-05-12编辑:lily点击率:9649

论文字数:1936论文编号:org201605061658391377语种:英语 English地区:芬兰价格:免费论文



e type of your audience? So we can use this option to do various kinds of communications.
It is very interactive. It makes the communicators as active communicators because in it there is two-way communications. So with this we can communicate with friends and relatives which are far away from us. But it can be use by the persons which are well able to pay for it.
This combination have created a very different form of many-to-many communications that enables people from different corners of the world to do interaction with each other and to share their information by various means audio, video. Now we can do conferences or even press conferences from our home with several persons who are located at various parts of the world.
The major use of internet and electronic communication is for businesses and organizations sponsors to discuss their strategies to the network organizations and its constituents. A mixture of other Internet search tools, are providing a further communications and Marketing openings.
Companies are using electronic communications facilities as inside communication tool to develop team work. Many individuals at different locations can work on the same documents, hold meetings and integrate research findings with the help of internet.
The majority of organizations are controlling the messages that go out to its constituents through various employees of company like managers, spokespeople and others. But with the Internet, employees start to talk among themselves, requiring new approaches and a new accent on listening and reacting, not just talking.
Internet and electronic communication makes you able to send and receive large amount of data to single person or a group in any part of the world where internet facility is there. With this a new type of communication is born by which we can send or receive data at very fast rate without any disturbance in fraction of seconds.


Firstly, I will describe you about the way in which a publisher works. Publisher gather news, make changes in it and then after developing the news he pack that news and deliver the news to various cities with employees as postman or delivery man .in this technique there is wastage of money as well as of finance in paying lots of employees who are used as delivery man. But now the combination of Internet and electronic communication has made it all easy because it provides any person with such a channel for getting to the tens of millions of audiences.

Now with the help of computers we can create text, audio, graphics, animation, multimedia, video, games, and software's. And with the use of internet and World Wide Web we can transmit this data easily.

Now when we use internet in commerce section we call it as Electronic Commerce. In ecommerce there is the trade of products in the course of inventive technologies such as Internet on-line services, trade on-line services, and commercial on-line services. The

Ecommerce is the approach by which many people will do trade in the 21st century.

The Ecommerce is a new and very vast approach to do trade without any zigzag way or we can say that with clear instructions. Penetrating for products and services论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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