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肝癌印度斯坦建筑公司分析 [5]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2016-05-15编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:12350

论文字数:2926论文编号:org201605141640509943语种:英语 English地区:芬兰价格:免费论文

关键词:变更管理肝细胞癌Hindustan Construction


continue with the old system of paper work and they wanted to control the factors those could endanger the continuation. Hence, the major resistance was created by the middle and senior managers which made very difficult for the company to overcome the resistance.

In the initial stage the 'degree of uncertainty' (Beaufort and Longest, 2004) was also very high. This cynicism (Maurer, 1996; Reichers et. al., 1997) among senior management was also one of the reasons for failure of change process. HCC spent a large amount of capital on the IT infrastructure for maximum utilisation of SAP but even people at top management who were change agents were in doubt about the success of the system. As most of them were coming from the construction field, they had nothing to do with the IT engineering. Thinking again from the point of view of Lewin (1947), the unfreezing stage requires re-education process for all of them who participate in the change process. Burnes (2000) suggests that for the successful change management process, the change agents have to make the organization receptive to change. In the case of HCC, even change agents were sceptical about the change and they could not handle this Unfreezing stage.

总结和建议——Conclusion and Recommendations

From the critical analysis of resistance to change at HCC, it is crystal clear that the company had lack of direction in the initial stage and it failed to overcome this resistance for a long time span. Had it considered the theories and models of resistance to change in the initial stage, the SAP system could be utilised at its fullest and the maximum competitive advantage could be achieved with the help of new technology. As a result, here are some S.M.A.R.T recommendations for HCC which are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. If HCC has to implement a change again in the company, it must consider following points.

First of all as mentioned by Backhard and Harris (1987), Kotter (1995), Hutt et al, (1995), Cameron and Green (2004), Balogun and Hope Haily (2004) and Schutta (2006), the change must be communicated properly with the employees and managers working at the project sites. As Kotter (1995) states, change should involve people, it should not be imposed on the people. If the employees of HCC can be involved in the process, they can be more committed to the desired change process (Schein, 1995). Change should be bottom up instead of top bottom (Kanter et. al,1992; Bamford and Forrester ,2003 and Burnes, 2004a). Hence, at the time of implementing the change again, HCC can reduce level of resistance by communicating the change and involving employees.

As mentioned by Waddell and Sohal (1998), HCC must motivate its employees. Motivated employees will welcome the change instead of looking it as a potential threat. They will be encouraged to accept the change and work as a team as suggested by Rumelt (1995).

HCC directly sent the middle and senior managers for the SAP training so that they could use the system effectively but the company did not consider the psychological aspect of the issue. When implementing the change again, HCC will have to consult the managers and assure them about the benefits of change (Treasurer, 2003). Hence, the managers can see the change as an aid to their operations rather than seeing it as a hazard (Matejka and Murphy, 2005). This will preve论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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