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英国留学生国际法termpaper [2]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:学期论文 termpaper登出时间:2014-09-26编辑:zcm84984点击率:14780

论文字数:3734论文编号:org201409252333231739语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:Law Essay内部海域海事活动马来西亚


itime piracy has a history as long as ships have gone to sea. From Captains Blackbeard and Morgan in the Caribbean, to the pirates of Barbary Coast in Africa and the famous “Pirate queen” Cheng I Sao in Asia, the history of the sea is replete with the often-romanticized accounts of the exploits of these iconic figures and their crews. However piracy did not end in the days of the Spanish Main but continues to exist and thrive in the modern period. By the early 1980s the international community had reacted by codifying its position on maritime piracy in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the sea agreeing on a formal definition of piracy and detailing the conditions under which states and vessels should respond. The International Maritime Bureau estimates that maritime piracy costs transport vessels between $13 and $15 billion a year in losses in the waters between the Pacific and Indian Ocean alone. The human costs of maritime piracy are significant. Where sailors were killed, taken as hostage, kidnapped and held for ransom.

c.Drugs Trafficking. Also known as drug smuggling and narcotics trafficking, is defined as the transportation of illegal drugs from one location to another. In some other cases where misuse the travelling permit to supply the prohibited drugs to syndicates inside the country.

d.Illegal fishing. Any foreign illegal fishing activities in Malaysian Maritime Zone or which is illegal fishing takes place where vessels operate in violation of the laws of a fishery. Blast fishing is a practice using dynamite to bomb large areas of reef and collect the subsequent dead fish floating in the surface water. It is an extremely quick and effective way of collecting reef fishes however the process inherently destroys stony corals and kills fish and invertebrates in a large surrounding area. The resulting changes may lead to a decrease in the diversity of species through habitat loss or through changes in predator-prey dynamics. Cyanide fishing is becoming widespread throughout Southeast Asia as the live reef fish trade booms. The practice involves using cyanide or other poisons to stun large reef fish underwater so they can be caught alive and sold to the restaurant industry for lucrative prices. The poisons however, kill the larvae of many coral reef organisms and also coral polyps which leads to coral bleaching.

e.Illegal Trawling. Method of fishing that dragged along the bottom of the sea for fish and shrimp are a potential threat to sub-tidal habitats. Trawling scours the seafloor and leaves scars on soft sediments particularly muddy bottoms. This ways of fishing definitely will retard the growing process and degradation of sea habitats.

f.Pollute Oceanic Environment. Pollution can be described as the introduction by humans of substances or energy that decreases the quality of the environment. Many of these pollutants are artificial substances that do not occur naturally. Dumping of chemical or industrial wastes which produced by local company are released to sea. Domestic sewage carries all kinds of wastewater from homes and city buildings. The vast amounts of sewage that enter the ocean threaten both marine environment and human health. Perhaps the most widespread effect of waste disposal in coastal waters is in making sea life unfit for human consumption or when we go swimming, diving or surfing. Furthermore it will cause a drastic decline in the abundance of论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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