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How much time the university students studying outside class per week

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2012-06-18编辑:Sam xu点击率:3913

论文字数:2100论文编号:org201206181739386715语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 22


摘要:代写留学生论文 College students are already above 18 and could be counted as adults, they live and eat in school and their all time job is learning. However, with more and more social impact on the campus life

论文题目:How much time the university students studying outside class per week
论文语言:英语论文 English
论文专业:Business manangement
您的学校:Staffordshire Un
论文用于:BA assignment 本科课程作业 


Lectures, or online learning provision?
1.0 Introduction (50)
1) using some of the present trends in teaching methods introduces out the topic of this paper;
2) one sentence states this paper’s conclusion
3) methodology and extending the topic of this paper
2.0 Literature review (400)
1) Origination of online learning;
2) Development of online learning;
3) Main characters of online learning;
4) present studying situation;
5) Limitation of present studying
3.0 Opportunities and advantages of online learning as one effective instrument for revolutionize the Education (500)
1) Online learning’s convenience;
2) Online learning’s economical advantages;
3) Openness of online learning
4.0 Traditional lecture’s advantages and online learning’s disadvantages (600)
1) Traditional lecture’s advantages
2) Online learning’s disadvantages
3) Questionnaire and data collecting
4) Analyze the data
5.0 Conclusion (150)

6.0 References (10 items)


1.0 Introduction
College students are already above 18 and could be counted as adults, they live and eat in school and their all time job is learning. However, with more and more social impact on the campus life, learning atmosphere is getting worse. Under this circumstance, getting acknowledge of how much time students spend on outside-class time is no longer an unnecessary issue.

2.0 Literature Review
Talking about University education, we could date back to the 19th century. John Henry Newman is a famous educator on higher education in Britain, in his book ‘The I-dea of a University’ Newman claims that the essence of a university is a place to impart wisdom, its function is to teach complete and ordinary knowledge, teaching is the one and only function, the education of university should be free(Newman 1852). This book was the first book about university education in the modern history. The education theory of Newman had its enlightening meaning, but it had its limitation.
In 2007, Peking University ‘capital higher education’ project team investigated the education quality of the higher education institutions and released a related investigation report. The report announced that there was 52.6 percent of the university teachers thought that students didn’t take a positive attitude on studying. The interviewees include 3366 teachers and 16591 students in 24 universities in Beijing. I think 52.6 is a number that should cause our attention (Xie, 2008).

According to Entwistle’s investigation, it found out that student’s attitude toward learning is becoming more and more negative and they are more eager for instant success and quick profits. Students are more focusing on the certifications that used for purchasing a career or on how to get an opportunity to further their study instead of on the knowledge itself. And some of the students don’t even study at all, just pay attention on the internet games, love affairs and part-time jobs. Study is a minor course for them (Entwistle, 2004)

1. Newman, J 2003, Idea of the university, Guizhou Education Press, Guizhou
2. Xie, Y 2008, ‘College campus is filled with loathing learning e论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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