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As can be seen from the table , Chinese stock market IPO underpricing rate than many other countries is much higher underpricing , many researchers also this serious phenomenon analyzed. But almost all factors to consider asymmetric information , empirical evidence from underpricing of Genesis. Mok, Hui (1998) [15] investigated 1990-1993 Shanghai A-share market in the 101 newly issued stocks found that the average underpricing was 289.2% , and that the reason is because the stock in the secondary market when issued required a wait time . Su, Fleisher (1999) [16] from the listing latency and signaling theory to explain the IPO underpricing , underpricing is the company that kind of value signals to investors , they studied the A-share market in 1990-1995 , 308 newly issued stocks , issuing its underpricing rate of 949% .


Chen, Firth, Kim (2000) [17] considered the following aspects may affect the Chinese market IPO underpricing : The issuer inexperienced investors lack experience , a market issue and two markets waiting time between . Su (2004) [18] issued China A-share market IPO underpricing problem with the "winner 's curse " and " signal model " consistent . Chan, Wei, Wang (2004) [19] suggested that China 's IPO underpricing the market with an issue between the two markets and the IPO quota system time intervals are positively correlated . Li (2006) [20] found that underpricing size does not change much under the influence of corporate governance , with the size of the issue price, issue a negative correlation between age . Whole Frame , JIANG Shun-cai ( 2006 ) [ 21 ] from the Institutional Changes aspects of its IPO underpricing size.


Throughout the research situation , the foreign largely based on information asymmetry to explain underpricing , few studies have focused on the long-term prospects for the IPO . And domestic and foreign has been mostly based on theoretical models , empirical assumptions from IPO underpricing factors , then the results of empirical assumptions prove its correctness . In 2005, the Chinese stock market has undergone institutional changes , namely equity division reform . Many scholars have discussed this change the split share reform on the impact of IPO underpricing , but mostly empirical analysis , and can not give a complete model to demonstrate its specific impact of IPO underpricing .


The first chapter of the IPO as well as a brief description of each country or region underpricing comparison and described on IPO underpricing research status .

The first chapter gives underpricing model assumptions, and the establishment of non-tradable shares tradable shares of the relationship between price and quantity of shares outstanding for the entire distribution process in stages , then emotional and rational investors , respectively, according to investors their own ideas in the stock market before the intrinsic value of each stock论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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