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Study in China policy:外国留学生管理办法(留学中国政策专题之二) [4]


论文字数:5412论文编号:org201202081344117383语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:外国留学生管理办法Study in China policyForeign students management approach

摘要:Study in China policy:外国留学生管理办法(留学中国政策专题之二)国务院批转国家教育委员会、外交部、文化部、公安部、财政部《外国留学生管理办法》的通知   

l students, ought to be in strict requirements on learning, serious help; Political positive impact, not upon others; Life take care of appropriately, serious management.

The second chapter accept the work

Article 5 the category receiving foreign students are divided into total rate, junior college students, undergraduate and postgraduate students and graduate. Students of our country to open to the outside learns to professional. The top secret professional general don't accept students. Confidential professional accept students, the school shall report the competent department for examination and approval, the state education committee for the record.

Article 6 the name of the foreign students who accept the government, the state education committee for examination and approval; The institutions in complete national mission, under the premise of through the intercollegiate exchange or other ways to accept students, colleges and universities by accept authorized, submitted to higher authorities and the state education committee for the record.

Article 7 the cultural level of the students, age and health etc, must conform to the provisions of the receiving foreign students in our country. Students in China shall abide by the laws of the our country after and the regulations of the school. Enter oneself for an examination science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, and management of the undergraduate and graduate student subject of, will be required for the entrance examination by the regulation (unless otherwise agreements except). Enter oneself for an examination undergraduate failing and close to the admission standards, the preparatory to study for a year, after completion examination qualified to rise undergraduate course study, or into college or technical secondary school learning, or drop out from school processing. For failing to register for the graduate student, can make (arrangement. Their professional shall generally be consistent with my former professional.

Article 8 foreign students study in China shall hold ordinary passport. All the diplomacy, the service, special (or officials) passport, the former shall issue the relevant embassy official note, the statement during the privilege to give up attend in China, and to our country public security organ for the corresponding formalities.

In the third chapter teaching work

Article 9 the teaching is to train students to work the central link. According to the education system in our country to plan and teaching, combining with the actual situation of the students, arranged for teaching. To strengthen the teaching research, improve teaching methods, improve the quality of teaching. The foreign students who study, both must strict requirement, also want to take care of their characteristics and difficulties and, when necessary, can increase or decrease in the course and content, also can separate each class, strive to make their real ability to learn.

Article 10 can't use Chinese students studying professional, after a year in China need to learn basic Chinese, through the examination Chinese level to reach formulary standard before entering professional studies. Learn Chinese language and literature, history, philosophy and the traditional Chinese medicine undergraduate, need to learn two years basic Chinese. Basic Chinese and study time is not included in the preparatory major study within the fixed number论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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