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A GUIDE TO REPORT AND ESSAY WRITING:Interpreting assignment instructions and structuring your work [2]

论文作者:51lunwen论文属性:作业指导 assignment guidelines登出时间:2007-10-09编辑:点击率:13948

论文字数:3211论文编号:org200710091757214994语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文


pings within these factors. This may be according to problem areas, by chronology, according to factors such as geography or department involved, or organisational level. Your structure could also relate to the explicitly stated parts of your assignment or to conceptual frameworks covered within your module. Cameron (1997 p.231) also suggests another framework for defining your report structure known as the ‘Universal Management Paradigm’ : · describe the situation, including relevant elements of context and why it presents problems; · analyse the problem using module concepts; · decide on measures of effectiveness: includes criteria for an effective solution and any constraints; · describe the range of possible solutions; · analyse the costs and benefits in terms of the measures of effectiveness; · recommend, with arguments to support your recommendations, your preferred solutions. At the planning stage, you will not have gathered the evidence to support your relevant themes. However, having an outline structure can help you be more selective at the information-gathering stage. This outline structure should be regarded as a working tool that may have to be amended in light of the evidence you collect. 3.0 Structure of the Coursework Although different organisations may have their own house style, the basic structure is always broadly similar. The use of a standard and logical structure will help the reader find their way around your work. For a management report, this normally includes a title page, an executive summary, a table of contents, a list of tables and figures, an introduction, the main body, conclusions, recommendations, a list of references, bibliography (where applicable) and appendices. Each of these areas will be discussed in turn. An essay will follow a similar format, but without the executive summary, table of contents and list of tables and figures. Sections within an essay are not normally numbered and sub-headings are not usually required, although the latter may be beneficial in a longer essay (Cameron 2005). If in doubt, please consult the person who set the assignment. The following sections provide an overview of what is required for each part of your report or essay. Title page As this heading implies, you must specify a title for your report or essay, which should be as descriptive as possible. On the title page you should also indicate who has written the work (or provide your student ID number if the work is to be submitted anonymously) and to whom it is addressed. In certain circumstances, you may also be required to state why it has been prepared. Executive summary (reports only) This can only be produced after the report has been completed. The executive summary is an abbreviated version of your report. It should be no more than one side of A4 and briefly cover the purpose of your report, why it was done, what was done, how it was done, and key findings. The emphasis of the executive summary should be on the key findings of your report and as such it should be able to ‘stand alone’ as a document. Avoid including information that is not mentioned in the report itself. Insert an executive summary at the front of your report, before the table of contents. The function of an executive summary is to orientate the reader as to the main arguments or evidence that have led to your conclusions (Cameron 1997). Once you have written your executive summary it is useful to r论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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