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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-07-22编辑:lgg点击率:5596

论文字数:36200论文编号:org201407211106072348语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66

关键词:反拨作用National Matriculation English Test高二英语教学英语教学高三英语


Chapter 1 Introduction

l.1The Background Information of the Study
The study on backwash (also washback) effects of foreign language test has receivedspecial attention in the last half century, especially in overseas academic circles of appliedlinguistics. The related study started late in China,but it has been developing gradually.There are many kinds of large scale English tests in China such as College English TestBand 4 (CET4),College English Test Band 6 (CET6), College English Test- Spoken EnglishTest (CET-SET),Public English Test System (PETS),Test for English Majors (TEM), NationalMatriculation English Test (NMET), WSK {waiyu shuiping kaoshi), National Entrance Test OfEnglish For MA/MS Candidates (NETEM) and etc. So it is natural that together with theimplement of these tests,the study on backwash effects draws increasing attention in recentyears.Gan Ling and Jiang Yemei (2009) studied the situation of backwash effects research inChina. Their commentary revealed that there are 15 articles published in key periodicals focusedon English examinations and the backwash effects during the period of 1998-2007, amongwhich the articles concerned about the backwash effects of College English Test Band 4 accountfor 80% (12 pieces). There is only one article written on the backwash effects of NationalMatriculation English Test (7%). The other two articles deal with University-basedexaminations (13%).

1.2The Purpose and Significance of the thesis
English test is viewed as an important or a main tool in detecting and evaluating thequality of high school English teaching. However, there are always contradictions between thetesting and the teaching in China. On the one hand,the NMET has been effective in pushingforward the development of high school English Teaching &Leaming. It has promoted thedevelopment of teaching materials; it has promoted the improvement of teaching environmentand it has promoted the change of teaching notion of English. On the other hand, to some extent, it has interfered with the healthy process of senior high school English course. For example,inorder to achieve good result in NMET,many schools would adjust their normal teaching plan tomake special effort to prepare for the examination, especially in the third year of senior highschool. The whole year would be used to review old lessons of grammar knowledge orvocabulary with nothing new is learned. A great deal of time and materials would be wasted inthis way. Therefore, it.is important to straighten the relationship between NMET and senior highschool English course,make the examination play a positive role in the process and mitigate itsnegative effects from Teaching & Learning for the reform and advance of high school Englishcourse.This thesis is based on the research made in 3 senior high schools in Jilin Province duringthe eve of college entrance examination with the purpose of studying the backwash effects thatNMET has caused on high school English teaching. In other words this thesis intends to studythe influence of college entrance exam, the result of which would influence large number ofChinese young people and even determine the senior high school teachers' destiny, on teachingcontent,teaching methods, attitudes toward teaching, teaching strategies and other aspects ofEnglish education in the third year of senior high schools. It 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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