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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-05-13编辑:lgg点击率:5993

论文字数:38577论文编号:org201705111814168605语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



Chapter 1 Introduction 

Teachers must renew their educating philosophies and probe educating examples and methods, required by The National English Curriculum for Senior High School (Cited  by  Ministry  Education2001).  With  the  sharp  uplift  of  admission  in  Chinese senior high schools, it is a severe challenge to meet different students’ needs. In such situations, a teaching experiment proposed by the researcher in a senior high school is launched  via  Hidden  Stratified  Teaching(hereinafter  HST  for  Hidden  Stratified Teaching and ST for Stratified Teaching when necessary) in order to probe a better type for the English teaching in Chinese senior high schools. Chapter 1 is the first section of this research which presents the research background, the purpose and the significance of the study. A simple framework of the study is provided in this chapter.

1.1 Research background 
Since the New Curriculum Standard was lodged, it has required the teachers to adapt to the new education environment in Yunnan Province. The key demand of the New Curriculum Standard is that the teaching must be on the basis of the students’ growth,  other  than  the  former  education  type  dominated  by  the  instructors  and  the textbooks.  Students’  learning  should  follow  the  curriculum  demand,  the  teaching procedure and the assessment, etc. The learners in various facets like the latent energy, the emotion and the antecedent should be known by their instructors. The teachers should educate students in the long term and treasure every learner’s learning emotion, passion  and  recognition  to  let  them  study  lifelong.  The  students’  contrivance  of passion should be paid attention to all the time. In Chinese senior high schools, better studying examples should be probed by the instructors via more experiments. With  the  sharp  uplift  of  admission  in  Chinese  senior  high  schools,  there’s  no doubt that the students incline to form different groups. In particular for senior high schools,  like  Longling  No.1  Senior  High  School  (hereinafter  LN1SHS  when necessary), the students’ English admission performance varies from 110 to 18, which makes it quite clear that their manifestation comes into being in English study. As a rule, the English classes should follow the principles and the mission claimed by the Ministry of Education of China currently.  Along with the social advancement, the educators are attaching much importance to  the  different  groups  other  than  the  traditional  learning  classes  to  satisfy  the demands  that  keep  pace  with  the  times  to  adapt  to  the  modern  society.  Hence, researching  a  new  method  of  education,  in  which  it  is  better  for  the  students’ intellectual to be developed and respected, is the focus of different countries for the innovation. The finding is that more and more researc论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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