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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-05-31编辑:lgg点击率:7965

论文字数:38546论文编号:org201705281826212828语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



1   Introduction 

1.1   Background of the Research
In  the  process  of  foreign  language  teaching,  reading  comprehension  occupies  a significant role in English learning and teaching. Seeing the important position of reading in the five skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translating, both English language researchers and teachers have given plenty of attention on it. What's more, reading ability has often been considered as an important criterion for the language proficiency evaluation. Pang et  al  (2003:6)  said  that  learning  to  read  is  an  important  and  meaningful  educational  goal  for both  children  and  adults.  Reading  opens  up  new  worlds  to  students  and  enables  them  to expand their horizon, gain new knowledge, and enjoy various art and literature. The reading ability  influences  our  modern  living  condition  in  every  fields  of  our  daily  life,  such  as searching  jobs,  making  friends,  reading  the  newspapers,  instruction  manuals,  and  so  on.' Anderson (2004:1) has stated that reading is one of the most significant and necessary skills that should be grasped by students, and he also pointed out that reading plays the fundamental role to develop students learning abilities and skills. For example, most students find that it is easier to remember new words in the reading context than in the vocabulary list. However, except having English class and listening to English broadcast, most students have few opportunities in our country to communicate with foreigners whose mother tongue is English. The most effective and common way to learn English is reading. Although reading has  irreplaceable  position  in  our  English  learning  and  teaching,  problems  still  exist  in  both teachers'  teaching  and  students'  reading  learning.  Many  researchers  have  summarized  the main  problems  of  English  reading  teaching,  such  as  failing  to  find  the  main  idea  of  the passage,  having  no  clear  idea  about  the  relationship  between  paragraphs,  and  so  on.  The traditional  teaching  method  pays  more  attention  on  imparting  knowledge,  which  hinders  the development  of  students'  reading  ability.  Therefore,  in  order  to  help  students  to  become  a successful language learner and to cultivate their reading habits, it is necessary for teachers to find a proper and effective way to teach English reading.  

1.2   Significance of the Research  
As a modern English teacher, the most important thing in English reading teaching is to explore  a  practical  and  efficient  teaching  method  so  as  to  satisfy  the  needs &nb论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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