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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:推荐信 Recommendation Letter登出时间:2023-10-16编辑:vicky点击率:436

论文字数:42522论文编号:org202310081918413330语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 22




Chapter One Literature Review

1.1 Definition of some key terms

In this part,the author will introduce the concepts of the English writing teachingand the English Curriculum Standards for Vocational High Schools(2022).

1.1.1 English writing teaching

English writing teaching is an activity of language skill training,which aims toimprove students’ability in English writing,develop creative and divergent thinking,and promote students’thinking and communication in English writing.As for Englishwriting teaching,different researchers have different understandings.

Writing teaching plays an important part in senior high school English teachingand contributes to the improvement of students’English proficiency(Chen,2019).Arthur Brookes Peter Grundy(2000)proposed four recommendations for Englishwriting teaching:develop a syllabus for writing,pay attention to the authenticity,funand practicality of teaching writing,promote“interactive”and“socially structured”writing training,and propose to train writing skills through a large number ofactivities.As a result,writing plays an important role in the four basic skills oflanguage and is an important language output skill for students.In a sense,the abilityof writing is a concrete expression of students’practical and comprehensive ability oflanguage use.At the same time,it is also clear that students’ability of writing can betrained and improved through specific and effective teaching methods.

1.2 Previous studies on English writing teaching at home and abroad

In recent years,much more attention has been paid to research on writing studiesand English writing teaching and the importance has been increasingly emphasized.Most foreign researchers have fixed their eyes on theories related to English writingand English writing teaching.However,domestic researchers have paid their attentionto specific teaching methods and mentality of English writing teaching.

1.2.1 Previous studies on English writing teaching abroad

Nowadays,widespread attention to English writing research abroad has beenattracted and thus English writing teaching research has been developing rapidly.Expanding scale,much more active academic research activities,increasing numberof results and papers,abundant theories of English writing research are vividmanifestations.

Linda Flower and John R.Hayes’(1981)A Cognitive Process Theory ofWriting is arguably a classic work that uses cognitive psychological theory to study the writing process,leading to a shift from the study of writing result to the study ofthe writing process.The author argued that the cognitive process theory of writingrests on four key points.Firstly,the writing process can be best interpreted as a uniqueset of thinking process that are carefully arranged or organized by the writer duringthe creative process.Secondly,these processes are an organization that has ahierarchical structure and is highly embedded in which any given process can beembedded in any other process.Thirdly,writing itself is a goal-oriented thinkingprocess,guided by the writer’s own growing network of goals.Fourthly,writers canset their own goals in two key ways.On one hand,they are setting high-level goalsand subsidiary goals which reflect the writer’s evolving sense of purpose.On theot论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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