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自由贸易与自由贸易协定assignment [2]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-09-10编辑:yangcheng点击率:10790

论文字数:3355论文编号:org201409072130218444语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:免费论文

关键词:自由贸易贸易组织会议trade agreements留学生作业Free trade



Free trade is not a novel idea, as the underlying theories have been developed over a century ago. The two basic economic ideas are those of “absolute advantage” by Adam Smith and 'comparative advantage' by David Ricardo.

In his classical publication from 1776 ”An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” Adam Smith claims that countries should focus on the production of goods they are most efficient in and import what they cannot produce sufficiently. [4] Subsequently in 1817 Ricardo evolved Smith’s theory: Even if one country is more efficient in the production of all goods it would profit by trading with an overall less-efficient country, under the premise that both economies have different relative efficiencies. [5]

In theory: The expressed promises of free-trade include the transmission of new jobs to developing countries through foreign direct investment, the spur of economic growth around the world and the. And indeed there is some strong evidence that those pledges are being fulfilled.

3 Sachs Warner

One of the greatest indications is the significant difference between developing countries which engage in free trade and countries which do not. This is most apparent in a study on economic development by Jeffrey Sachs and Andrew Warner conducted in 1995. Sachs and Warner divide developing countries in exactly these two categories, relatively open versus rather closed economies. By looking at the gross national income per capita of these two groups, it is evident throughout the presented data, that free trade proposes huge potential towards an positive economy’s developement.

data : databank.worldbank.org

To further emphasise the potential economic gain of free trade in detail, lets look into an example.

Formerly known as one of the poorest countries on the planet is Burundi. Although blessed with economic valuables like mineral resources and large forest areas, the country was never able to take part in the international trading network. Cultural differences of the main tribal groups, the Hutu and Tutsi, let to armed confrontations which kept Burundi in stagnation for decades. The economic situation worsened over the years while other African countries, like Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and South Africa found their way onto the international trading stage.

In 2000 the Burundian President Pierre Buyoya signed a peace treaty and by the year 2004, UN troops were brought in to enforce it. As security was increased, the economy was strengthened by forming The Great Lakes Countries Economic Community with Rwanda and D.R. Congo and furthermore joining the East African Community in 2007.

Obviously security and economic openness seem to be parts of a crucial foundation of business and commerce which made it possible for Burundi to achieve a perceptible uprising after years of economic insignificance.

Resulting interdependence is also an important factor of free trade what leads to interconnections that make conflicts too costly. In other words, dependency undercuts the likelihood of war.

(Actually Europe is the most cited example in that case).

Leaving Burundi but staying with a favourable attitude towards liberalisation,

we should switch the focus to the sector of tourism.

4 Tourism

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