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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-08-14编辑:lgg点击率:4287

论文字数:37120论文编号:org201308141114135696语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66




随着科学技术的发展,职业技术教育在中国蓬勃发展。它要求中等职业技术学校毕业生的英语水平,以满足他们的工作需求。但实际上,只有少数学生得到激励来练习自己的英语口语能力,如回答老师的问题。大部分是无效的,甚至是无动于衷,在课堂上。在开始的时候,大多数的学习者学习英语的热情,但随着时间的推移,他们似乎跑出来的蒸汽,并得到越来越多的沮丧与他们的学习。如今,有中等职业学校中仍存在不少问题,如缺乏,所以应该更加重视研究影响教师的激励评估学习者的学习动机和兴趣,教师无法评估等'英语学习和考试结果。With the development of science and technology, vocational andtechnical Education has boomed in China. It requires that the secondaryvocational and technical graduates have proficiency in English to meettheir job needs. But actually, only a few students get motivated to practicetheir oral English, such as answering teacher's questions. The majorityare inactive or even irresponsive in class. In the very beginning, mostlearners show enthusiasm in learning English, but as time goes by, theyseemingly run out of steam and get more and more frustrated with theirlearning.Nowadays, there are still many problems in secondary vocationalschools, such as the lack of learning motivation and interest and teachers'inability to assess, etc. So, it should be attached greater importance toresearch the influence of teachers' incentive Assessment on learners'English learning and exam results.

0.1 The Background of the Research
Over these years, teachers' Assessment has ever been improvedgreatly, but there are still many problems, a large proportion of teachersare competent to carry out efficient teaching work. They show no love, respect and patience for students. They don't know how to tap students'potential and improve their exam results. Accordingly, students can'trealize their linguistic acquisition even if some of them are innate withlinguistic abilities.Thus, the reality enables us to conduct the research for the sake ofthe development of English teaching and learning in China's vocationalschools.

0.2 The Significance of the Research
It has been a received opinion that non-intellectual factors play aleading role in education. The incentive oral assessment enables teachersto arouse students' non-intellectual potential and thus improve theiracademic performance accordingly.The research reveals that love, respect and patience are vitamins forstudents' growing up and learning. Students fail to achieve satisfactoryacademic results, not because they are bom unable to be loser, butprobably because they cannot realize themselves and arouse theirconfidence and motivation.Therefore, the research gets opportunities for teachers to reflection ontheir own daily teaching work and to improve their ideas of education.

0.3 The Methods of the Research
The methods of the research consist of a prior test, namely the finalexamination of the autumn term in 2011, and a subsequent test, namelythe final examination of the spring term in 2012. Moreover, tworespective questionnaires are conducted before and after the experiment.In addition, a face-to-face interview is also held after the experiment.In the research, the experimental lesson is the most important. That'sbecause the incentive oral assessment can be adopted in the lesson. Onlywhen teachers and students take the experimental lesson can they have ataste of the incentive oral assessment and can its immediate significancebe proved.

0.4 The Structure of the thesis
The thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter One analyzes theconditions of English learning and teaching and the current situation ofIncentive Oral Assessmen论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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