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Business Strategy PPT

论文作者:sunshinecoast论文属性:作业指导 assignment guidelines登出时间:2008-01-20编辑:点击率:5957

论文字数:500论文编号:org200801201816112844语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:免费论文

附件:12-16Business Level Strategy.ppt


Overall cost-leadership strategy Broad differentiation strategy Focused cost-leadership strategy Focused differentiation strategy Best-cost provider strategy What is business strategy? Generic competitive strategies that occur at the business level of the organisation A plan of action that a company follows to gain a competitive advantage Who is being satisfied? What is being satisfied? How are customers being satisfied? The five generic competitive strategies Overall low-cost strategy Strategic choices pursue a low level of product differentiation aim at the average customer engage in a limited amount of market segmentation increase efficiency and lower costs develop skills in flexible manufacturing Overall low-cost strategy (cont’d) Advantages as long as price is key to a significant number of buyers protection from industry competitors and new entrants by cost advantage less vulnerable to powerful suppliers and increases in the price of inputs less vulnerable to powerful buyers that may insist on a price reduction Achieving superior efficiency Efficiency = outputs  inputs Outputs are goods and services Inputs include labour, land, capital and technological know-how Efficiency produces higher productivity and thereby lowers the per unit cost Maximising resources and minimising wastage Achieving superior efficiency (cont’d) Economies of scale lower unit costs due to large scale production volumes Scale economies can be achieved by: increasing sales greater labour specialisation Minimum efficient scale Differentiation strategy Strategic choices pursue a high level of product differentiation be responsive to customers through after-sales service and product repair engage in the maximum amount of market segmentation develop skills relevant to the source of differentiation Differentiation strategy (cont’d) Advantages protected from industry competitors and new entrants by brand loyalty less vulnerable to moderate increases in cost of inputs less vulnerable to powerful buyers because of unique products Differentiation strategy (cont’d) Disadvantages pressure to maintain perceived uniqueness in the eye of customers competitors may be able to imitate a differentiator’s product importance of differentiation may diminish over time Focus strategy Strategic choices pursue either a high or a low level of product differentiation choose a specific niche market or a number of niche markets develop relevant skills according to adoption of cost leadership or differentiation Focus strategy (cont’d) Advantages protected from industry competitors and new entrants by uniqueness of product or service and customer loyalty increase in cost of inputs could be passed on to customers forms a strong relationship with customers and allows for changing customer needs Focus strategy (cont’d) Disadvantages vulnerable to powerful suppliers production costs can be high relative to those of low-cost companies higher costs can reduce profitability niche market may not be stable and may disappear Best-cost provider strategies A combination of low-cost and differentiation upscale product at a lower cost giving customers more value for their money Deliver superior value by meeting or exceeding buyer expectations on product attributes and beating their price expectations Be the low-cost provider of a product with above average product attributes, then use cost adv论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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