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美国黑人街头帮历史探究 [5]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:学期论文 termpaper登出时间:2015-07-10编辑:Cinderella点击率:9817

论文字数:3221论文编号:org201507091354446663语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文



using block or square letters. Their graffiti express threats of violence against other gangs and in some cases even against the state. The African American gang graffiti can be easily characterized as boastful, because they usually make claims of supremacy and territoriality and threate other gang members. Their style is less sophisticated but they use a variety of symbols and codes for communication puposes. For instance, the use of arrows and hand signs represents a way of enforcing control by letting outsiders know that they belong to a specific 'hood'.

Moving on to the prison gangs, we shall admit the fact that there is a unique segregation in prisons across America. In this environment populated by criminals of all degrees and varieties, gangs have their own subdivisions. The handwork of the tattoo artists is the most respected inside prison because they work with primitive tools and inks and run the risk to severe punishment and consequences. Tattoo designs from the outside world are often coppies of the bravery, designs and skills of prison tattoo. The most used designs are the clock face tattoo without hands which represents doing time, the teardrop or tombstone tattoos, pictures of cell windows with the sun shining outside which means, I'm getting out soon, or the combined smiling and frowning theatre mask tattoos which symbolize the mentality of play now, pay later.

Further on, Hispanic gang tattoos vary a lot because they relate to the numerous specific gangs. 'Nuestra Familia' is a Hispanic gang that commonly tattoos themselves with the letter NF or NS. Another common image in the Nuestra Familia's tattoo work is a sombrero tattoo over a machete tattoo which is dripping blood.

'The New Mexican Mafia' has a seal which represents a blade edged circle with a skull and crossed blades contained inside of it. Another popular tattoo among Hispanics is the pachuco cross tattoo. This cross is surrounded by three small rays or dashes and is placed on the hand crease between the thumb and forefinger. The cross symbolizes the death and resurrection while the three rays represent each of the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Another famous tattoo is the three dots drawn to form a triangle, which is commonly placed between thumb and forefinger. This tattoo can symbolize 'mi vida loca', or, if you are in Cuba, it denotes that your criminal speciality is larceny.

In the African American communities, gangs often use letters and numbers to show their lack of membership in straight society.

'Crips' started out by terrorizing local neighborhoods and schools with assaults and strong arm robberies. Their color is blue, and popular tattoos incorporate the letters WS for West Side tattoos and the letter C for Crips.

Another powerful gang is the 'Bloods' which is often identified with the color red. Tattoos include the word crab written upside down with a star tattoo substituted for the 'a', this tattoo was designed to deride Crips; RBD which stands for Red Blood Dragons; and, the word bloodwritten across the knuckles of the right hand.

'The Black Guerilla Family' gang often chooses tattoos featuring a dragon attacking a prison gun tower or the letters BGF, typically in Old Eng论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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