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香港论文:Comparison of Singapore and Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against [2]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2012-05-22编辑:lena ding点击率:11745

论文字数:2641论文编号:org201205221039327390语种:英语 English地区:香港价格:免费论文

关键词:SingaporeHong KongIndependent building香港论文


ality of law enforcement teams. Singapore and Hong Kong market economy has developed to a relatively mature stage, the market plays a dominant role in allocating resources, and the government macroeconomic regulation and control at the crucial moment, which has considerably reduced the power in the economic field may find rent behavior, strong material support for the government ICAC.


(C) a rigorous anti-corruption mechanism provides an authoritative assurance for the anti-corruption
Singapore has developed a set of well-management system from the micro level to eliminate the occurrence of corruption. Their property declaration system to achieve the transparency of government staff and property income, personal property must be in office before the declaration later in office, if the property is subject to change, we should also take the initiative to fill out the changes in the property declaration list, and state the reasons for the change. Such as relatives and friends of Singapore require public servants gifts to be reciprocated by the maximum amount shall not exceed $ 50, If it is found that the civil service property and his income does not match, and because they could not explain the reason, its unjust enrichment of the suspects investigated by the review. Secondly, Singapore and Hong Kong has strict anti-corruption legislation, developed a special administrative law and criminal law against corruption. The implementation of sentencing on misdemeanors and no palliative. For example, in Hong Kong popular phrase: "Please to the ICAC to drink coffee." This sentence means you will be reviewed. Hong Kong Prevention of Bribery Ordinance clearly stipulates that the standard of living enjoyed by civil servants and ownership of wealth and public revenue is not commensurate not to the court to make a satisfactory explanation is guilty of an offense. Found this situation, the parties will be the ICAC, please go to "drink coffee". Identify are indeed illegal, a fine of $ 1 million and imprisonment for 10 years, but also can not explain clearly the origins of the forfeiture of the property. Another example, years ago, when traveling, who accidentally violate the laws of Singapore and eventually suffer a whipping of young Americans, the President of the United States also came forward to plead, Lee Kuan Yew Leng Shimo agreed to a fine (section) on behalf of criminal.


(D) of the early construction of the "Independent and the socialization of a strong social foundation
The anti-corruption education in Hong Kong and Singapore grasp early. From kindergarten to grasp the anti-corruption education. ICAC community at specially prepared for kindergarten children with a "clean my home" book songs, cartoons, short epigram, fable, children easily accept small corruption and "wolf" as bad. Specifically for students, the primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong opened the Independent Commission Against lesson, the ICAC to compile a special teaching materials, the name of the textbook is to build a clean and prosperous Hong Kong ". Discuss articles, textbooks, many typical cases, and nonstick rejection of corruption of civil servants, business and the business community deeds. Government has produced a variety of posters and slogans in Hong Kong and Singapore subway stations, bus car, high-rise buildings have to tell people to ensuring clean and promote inexpensive, people everywhere feel the atmosphere论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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