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Food Tourism & GastronomyThe Beer Festival

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:学术文章 Scholarship Essay登出时间:2014-03-11编辑:caribany点击率:9838

论文字数:3253论文编号:org201403101045431236语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Qingdao International Beer Festivalthe aimcorresponding recommendationsliterature review and methodologythe tourism destination

摘要:This paper has discussed the significant influence of Qingdao International Beer Festival on the destination Qingdao, and the interview was adopted as the research method. The aim, objectives, relevant literatures and methodology about the topic have been shown and the nature of the festival, the interview design, process and outcomes, and the impacts of the festival have been discussed including the political, socio-cultural and economic impacts posed by the festival on the destination.

Food Tourism & GastronomyThe Beer Festival


1.0 Introduction 


This paper will focus on the investigation into the impacts of Qingdao International Beer Festival on the destination, and the interview will be used as the research method to study this topic. In the first part, the aim, objectives, relevant literatures and methodology will be shown. Then in the next part, the nature of the festival, the interview design, process and outcomes, and the impacts of the festival will be discussed and analysed. In the final part, the Marketing evaluation and corresponding recommendations will be offered based on previous discussion.


2.0 Proposal-Aim, objectives, literature review and methodology  


2.1 Title


An investigation into the impacts of Qingdao International Beer Festival on the destination based on the interview method of research


2.2 Aim

To research the economic, cultural, and political impacts of Qingdao International Beer Festival on the restaurants, shops and hotels as a tourist destination.

2.3 Objectives

To research the reasons behind the popularity of Qingdao International Beer Festival

To investigate the influence of Qingdao International Beer Festival on the development of local tourism industry

To investigate the influence of Qingdao International Beer Festival on the cultural exchange between visitors

To investigate the influence of Qingdao International Beer Festival on destination branding and political identity.

To investigate the marketing activities of the Qingdao International Beer Festival

To give recommendations based on the analysis of the current situation

2.4 Literature Review

Food is seen as the reflection of a country's culture background. Therefore, it can be regarded as the one of the most attractive commodities in the destinations which has several possibilities to be adopted as the tool in the marketing activities. Many studies have indicated that the food and wide can be regarded as the best description of a destination which can be used to market the destination. (Cohen & Avieli, 2004; Richards, 2002 ).

Several studies indicate the interrelation between the food and tourism. More importantly, the local development is put into practice all over the world in the way of either developing and promoting some specific commodities,service , course,event  or the combination of services and products (Corigliano, 2002; Boniface, 2003). A number of studies have shown that such interraltion in some nations like Australia,New Zealand and many other countries in EU(Murray 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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