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论文作者:jessica论文属性:本科毕业论文 Thesis登出时间:2014-11-08编辑:jessica点击率:12881

论文字数:5302论文编号:org201411071507577904语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:免费论文




该论文的目的是清楚的阐述两大全球性的问题:环境与健康。它为什么成为了全球问题,以及它对人类存在的影响。和健康与环境有关的问题是很重要,因为这两个的负面影响决定了人类人口是否会继续增长。首先要讨论的环境问题之一就是全球变暖。根据霍普伍德和科恩的言论。健康问题就是由于温室气体释放到环境中的量不断增加而造成的。在政府气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)发布的一份声明中说道,更容影响人类身体健康的环境问题其实是气候的变化(2010, para 17)。


Contemporary Issues In Tourism Management

The aim of this paper is to clearly explain two global issues; the environment and health; why it is a global issue and its effect on human existence. The issues associated with health and the environment are important because the negative impacts of both could determine whether the human population will continue or not. One of the environmental issues to be discussed is global warming and according to Hopwood and Cohen, health issues would arise from the increasing amount of greenhouse gases been emitted into the environment. In a statement released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), it is said that an environmental issue that will more than likely have severe effects on the health of humans with possible death impacts, is climate change (2010, para 17).

The way in which the goals of this paper will be achieved is by firstly defining the environment and health; identifying some of the issues affecting both, explain why each are considered global issues; giving examples of instances of impact, their effect on business globally and locally. After this is done an explanation would be given as to how these separate issues are in fact connected and finally recommendations would be provided as to how these issues could be dealt with. The health of the people is very important and in order to get to the root of some of the health problems in the world some environmental issues would have to be addressed. All this will be done through the analysis of internet based sources, personal knowledge, academic articles and media article, this will help in providing a better picture of the severity of the issues at hand.
The environment is all around us, it is our surroundings, and it affects our very existence on this planet. The environment includes both living and non living things (Princeton Online Dictionary, 2010). There are many issues affecting the environment in a way that has negative implications for both plant and animal life, some of these issues includes; pollution and global warming (Oracle, 2010). Although there are many other issues affecting the environment these are the ones which will be addressed in this paper.

The first issue is pollution. Pollution is defined as the careless dumping of harmful/waste materials into the soil, air and water (Earth 911, 2010). There are many types of pollution but for the purpose of this paper only land/soil and water pollution will be addressed. Land pollution is basically the act of contaminating the earth’s surface via the discarding of waste products with no regard for the negative impacts of such activities. This issue of land pollution is one which is present in all parts of the world. One cannot leave their place of residence without seeing some form of land pollution, although there are many efforts to protect the earth from this, 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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