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Study in conceptual design of staffs training [6]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-01-17编辑:gcZhong点击率:30448

论文字数:34918论文编号:org200904291442304456语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Training schemeDesign

t is known what knowledge and skill the staff have, have, what kind of knowledge and skill staff and enterprise's development needs having, the post is greater than the existing function, demand to train as expected. Understand the staff's existing function and post while expecting require the disparity between the two, having confirmed the training goal, it is thinning to carry on the training goal, make clear, turn into the concrete goal of every level, the more the goal has effectivenesses concretely, the more the goal favorable to the realization of the overall goal. The training goal is the navigation light that the training scheme is implemented. There are clear overall goal of training and concrete goal of every level, to training the adviser, confirm, implement, teach plan whether actively for realize purpose and teaching; To persons who undergo training, understand that studies the of purpose, could take few many distances, make great efforts towards the set goal, could get the result of getting twice the result with half the effort, on the contrary, if the purpose is indeterminate, it is apt to cause the adviser, persons who undergo training to deviate from the expecting of training, cause manpower, material resources, waste of the time and energy, has improved the cost of training, thus the failure that may result in training. Training goal and other factors of training scheme are organized, only define that probably designs each other part of the training scheme scientifically in goal, make it possible to design the scientific training scheme. 2,Choice of the training content Behind defining purpose and study result that expectation achieve that train, need confirm train, should including teach information. Though the concrete training content is various, generally speaking, the training content includes three levels, i.e. train, should choose the training content of every level on earth in knowledge training, skills training and quality, should follow the characteristic of each training content level and training demand to analyze and choose. Train in knowledge, this first level while training by an organization. So long as the staff listen to a lecture, or read a book, may obtain corresponding knowledge. In school education, obtaining a most one is the knowledge. It helps to understand the concept to train in knowledge, strengthen the adaptive capacity to the new environment, reduce enterprises and introduce new technology, new apparatus, obstacle of the new craft and obstruct. Meanwhile, want system grasp one professional knowledge, must go on systematic knowledge train, if want to become " X" Type talents, it is its essential route that knowledge is trained. Though train easily in knowledge, it is apt to forget, organize and only stay on the level of training of knowledge, it can be predicted that the result is not good. Skills training, this second level while training by an organization. The so-called skill here is to mean that can enable the operation ability happening in some things. Once the skill is learnt, seldom easy to forget, for instance by bike, swimming. Employ into the new employee, adopt the new apparatus, introducing the new technologies will all carry on skills training unavoidably, because train and can not meet concrete operation immediately in abstract knowledge, no matter how outstandingly is staff of you, how strongly it will be ability, generally speaking it train, can operate very wel论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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