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论文作者:英语论文论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2014-09-01编辑:zcm84984点击率:8316

论文字数:2639论文编号:org201408302246391091语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:文化多样性管理刻板印象偏见HRMcultural diversitystereotypeDiversity management








Stereotype and prejudice and the main obstacle for successful cultural diversity management


Recent years witnessed the prevalent phenomenon of cultural diversity within organizations' labor force. However,not all of them are currently fully utilized under the imperfect management by organizations. It will be argued that one of the main obstacles would be stereotype and prejudice acted by leaders and managers in organizations.Stereotype as well as prejudice acted negatively as a mental and physical attitude towards individuals especially those who are in disadvantaged social group.

This study focus on the issues led by stereotype and prejudice in workplaces,the basic principle of the stereotype working in organizations, and the crucial implications given to managers and organizations as well. In the mean while, other research field related will be expected for further study related to this research.

Literature review

Diversity and equal opportunities

Diversity is conducted within organizations while differences are valued and respected.But when it comes to equal opportunities, it means that no matter what gender,race,sexual orientation or other categorizations individuals are belong to ,they will be equally treated (Bratton & Gold,2007). First and foremost,equality policies emerged longer than diversity,the former mainly concerned social justice and is regarded for the sake of social discrimination eliminating.But the limitation is that many individual characteristics are not counted in workplace resourcing decisions (Leopold,Harris,Watson,2005).

Diversity management,however,was gradually realized based on the critique of equality policy while people found that social group-based difference will be neglected and devalued(Kirton&Greene,2005). Also, failure was found by Liff(1999)who maintained that when equal oppor- tunities is not the equivalent of equal outcomes,individual differences should not be denied and constrained.

Diversity management

Diverse workforce in workplace is becoming more and more prevailing, and the interrelated diversity management is considered to be extremely vital for organizations' strategy.Mabey and Clark (1998) argued that if it is appropriately managed,employee diversity can bring organizational and human resource benefits to organizations,e.g.: A better recruitment, employees retention and motivation,more decent goals and services,better customer sensitivity,most importantly,the better innovation, creativity and adaptability.Forster and Harris(2009) maintained that diverse workgroups generate richer ideas and solutions than homogenous group. Therefore, managing diverse personnel requires that the right person,right qualifi- cations are placed on the right position. However,conducting diversity management is by no means a straightforward approach.It endu论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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