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论人类资源管理对企业发展的重要性 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2015-05-01编辑:felicia点击率:28561

论文字数:14198论文编号:org201505010122528864语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文




The presentation and interpretation of the findings were done in chapter four of the work.

Several findings were buttressed in this work, the main one being that the corporate decisions of management such as mergers and acquisitions affects the morale of its employees to a large extent, and that in most cases the employees are not incorporated properly into these actions, thereby lowering their morale, hence their commitment to the organisation.

Upon the findings obtained in this study, recommendations were made to guide future researchers, and to bring to the fore the effects of mergers and acquisitions on employee's morale (especially of the acquired firm).



The aim of this paper is to explore one of the biggest issues and challenges now faced by hospitality industry, that of how to attract and retain talented people during the down turn especially given the fact it is one of lowest wages paid in industry in UK.(www.cipd.co.uk). The research is in strategic human resource management. It will concentrate on the examining the managerial role in the recent downturn with respect to the talent management and its contribution to long term business success in hospitality industry with in United Kingdom.

It will also consider the impact of the down turn on managerial and developmental concept of talent management in the context of the weak labour market attributes of the hospitality industry in UK.


Several studies have shown that The hotel industry is known for its poor pay and employment conditions and a low take-up of HR practices. It is generally believed that the industry has relied on a low cost, numerically flexible and disposable workforce (Knox and Walsh,)

Baron () agrees to this view that stating that the image of careers in the industry remains poor and both education and industry must exert effort in addressing this issue. He levels the job in this as of one having image as menial jobs poor couples with the poor career opportunities and limited rewards. Because of all these reasons the Generation Y will be even less likely to choose hospitality as a viable, long-term prospect which is evident from the fact that the there is already a low demand for hospitality and tourism studies in instead students opting for alternatives such as event management.

Similarly, many contemporary organizational developments are leading to a greater incidence of flatter and leaner organization structures, thereby reducing the number and levels of middle management in an attempt to maintain competitive advantage. Within the hospitality industry, this has been realized through line managers/head of departments taking responsibility for roles previously carried out by redundant assistant managers. Coupled with this reduction in the number of middle managers, many organizations have also taken the opportunity to review the structure and role of support services. Personnel and training, finance and marketing/sales have seen the greatest degree of reorganization, with many b论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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