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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2015-10-14编辑:chenyuting点击率:6867

论文字数:1984论文编号:org201510121906458141语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文







通常性别不平等是一个更深的感知涉及社会等级和先入为主的观念,什么是男人和女人的领导和管理的能力。在组织设置和在性别的背景下,重要的是要区分什么是传统意义上的优势和劣势。一些例子包括;雇主不得雇用,促进或错误地终止基于他或她的性别的雇员,或雇主的工资基于性别的不平等,一些雇主对怀孕的女职工歧视,女员工促销支持级别较低,有资历很浅的男同事。(Sahu,2009)然而对于歧视更广泛意义上的有一个持有的观点,白人和男性很容易成为社会中看不见的的个体;不被承认和认可,但是一旦可见因此被贴上说是黑色的,同性恋,一个女人…个人可以通过不同方式获得更大的权力(Robinson, 2000, Phelan, 2008, Haraway, 1999)

Gender issues in the workplace


This paper seeks to define what is meant by gender issues in the workplace in relation to underlying tensions, indirect prejudice and unfair practices which often are perceived but continue without full recognition or sufficient direct management of the problem.

It proposes to question pre conceived notions of success based on qualities such as ability and skill and rather seeks to uncover the more tacit business environment; known but never fully appreciated in relation to career advancement and company progression. A number of conflicting theories proposed by both feminist scholars and male business analysts exist on this subject which makes it both a complicated and contentious discussion. It is also one that can justify the way in which workplace failings and successes can be interpreted from a number of angles where gender bias is concerned; politically, psychologically, socially and academically.

Typically gender inequality is a much deeper perception involving social hierarchy's and preconceived notions of what men and women are capable of in terms of leadership and management. It is important to distinguish what is traditionally meant by advantage and disadvantage in an organizational setting and in the context of gender. Some examples might include; an employer may not hire, promote or wrongfully terminate an employee based on his or her gender, or that an employers pay is unequally based on gender, some employers show discrimination towards pregnant female workers, female employees are passed over for promotion in favour of more junior, less-qualified male co-workers. (Sahu, 2009) However looking at discrimination in its broader sense there is a widely held argument that as white and male it is easy to become invisible in society; to go unacknowledged and unrecognized, but once visible as a consequence of being labeled as say black, homosexual, a woman…individuals can adopt a greater empowerment just by being different (Robinson, 2000, Phelan, 2008, Haraway, 1999)

In 1994 a popular American journal, Business Week published an article which stipulated;

White, male and worried: White men still dominate corporate America. But in companies with aggressive diversity programs they are beginning to feel angry and resentful. What should companies do? (Burke and Black, 1997: 933-942)

From such theorizing it is possible to engage with the notion that perhaps by being ‘invisible' this can perpetuate both political and social exclusion. World Modern History since the 1960's has witnessed the rise of Civil Rights, women's liberation, gay liberation and a more growing acceptance of diversity has result论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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