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The Rise Of International Human Resource Management 


With the advent of globalization, organizations whether big or small that emerged as being local have showed their stand globally. This has given rise to the diversity in the manpower and the cultural sensitiveness has emerged to a great extent. This has been a leading factor to the rise of International Human Resource Management.

Broadly the definition of international human resource management (IHRM) has the following objectives i.e. to procure, allocate, and effectively utilize human resources in a multinational corporation. The work of international HR manager is easily managed if MNC just exports its products to few of its small offices in foreign locations where as in globalized firms HR managers have to tackle two objectives which are conflicting in their strategies to some extent. Firstly integrating the human resource policies and exercises among its subsidiaries in different countries with the aim to meet or achieve the corporate objective. Apart from this the approach to HRM has to be made flexible enough leaving sufficient difference between the various types of HR practices and policies that may prove efficient in dealing with dissimilar business and cultural settings.

The primary function that International Human Resource Management enforces is in regards of holding an international feel with a local touch in the host country. The challenge lies in illustrating an international / multinational company that would not prefer to be addressed local, however at the same time desiring a domestic touch in the host country.

The Human resources Management plays role here by ensuring that HRM policies are in accordance and promoting the firm's objective, structure and control. Talking of structures and controls the following key points play an important role and thus are worth mentioning in the context of International HRM.

Decision Making: In International strategy centralized dependency of core competency and the rest decentralized compared to less degree of centralization in operating decision making.

Co-ordination: The degree of coordination essential in rousing the cross cultural sensitivities is required to be very high. Also there is a requirement for cultural control to a great extent.

Integrating Mechanisms: Integrating mechanisms also need to be operated at the same time.

Objective if International Human Resource Management
The objectives of International HRM can be listed as the following: (Management Study Guide, 2012)

Making a local image parallel with maintaining a global identity.

Bringing forth awareness about cross cultural sensitivities within managers internationally and staff hiring covering all geographic boundaries.

Training about cultures and sensitivities of the host country.

Implementation of International Human Resource Management
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