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日语与女性地位 [4]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2015-01-16编辑:Cinderella点击率:17843

论文字数:3775论文编号:org201501152054173858语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:Japanesegendered language女性地位


tend child”, this is a term to describe adult women who “feign naiveté” and regard themselves as excessively cute. This term is originally created by Matsuda Seiko – a famous Japanese celebrity continuously appear on TV shows by wearing child-like clothes aiming to attract men viewers.

It is common to see young Japanese women acting like a child or even an infant and saying “iya”(no) in daily life. Japanese men tend to think if women use falsetto, nasal voice or even talk like a baby would be extremely cute and attractive. Puerility and youthfulness are strongly desirable characteristics of women in Japanese culture and hence, young females are often seen utilizing burikko speech as it helps them to appear younger and more attractive.

KAKOII (cool)

A lot of young Japanese females defy the stereotype gendered language as it implies the inferiority of a woman to a man. They not only avoid using the traditional feminine language but also employ the manlike style speech when they talk. They believe that this form of speech can help them to show their strength and thus make them able to fairly compete with other boys.

A typical example of it is addressing others by using omae (vulgar form of you).

Instead of using the excessive girlish pronoun “atashi”, young women prefer to use manly ones like “ore” or “boku”, they also tend to use more command form like “wakare” (understand) instead of “wakaru”. This style of speech would act as a function of expressing strong emotions and hence desensitizing oneself to make one appear strong.

Girls use it when they want to sound powerful and predominate over a conversation especially with boys and to avoid being told submissiveness to males. Some girls like to stick to this style of speech as it is seen to be “wakamono kotoba” (young people’s word) and appearing to be ultra modern to their peers.

Young females who use this form of speech are said to be “kakoii” (cool) especially at school as they would sound outspoken, rebellious and crude. This behaviour is “kakoii” simply because the users would appear to be doing something that a normal girl would not dare to do. Some new generation even see that kind of “vulgar” communication as a modern icon since only conforming to the traditional language pattern would be too outmoded.

Reasons contributing to the change of the speech form

According to the Japanese Agency for Culture Affairs 2010, shojo manga is one of the crucial factors that contribute to the influence of young people’s speech, Mizayaki (2004) indicates that a lot of Japanese high school girls start using ore/ boku to address themselves,

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