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跨文化交际的重要性 The importance of intercultural communication [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2014-07-03编辑:felicia点击率:31278

论文字数:1371论文编号:org201407030916104525语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:science and technologybreakthrough developmentworld pattern and human wayroad crisscrossnew era


guest tallish, man has to open for free right lady chair in order to show respect.

4.服饰礼仪 4. dress etiquette

Western man in formal social occasions usually wear a conservative style suit, inside the wear white shirt and tie. They like black, So usually wear black leather shoes. Western lady on formal occasions to wear a dress suits. Another woman out have wear earrings custom. Western countries, especially in the United States, at ordinary times people like to wear casual wear, such as t-shirts with jeans. Today's Chinese dress increasingly westernized, traditional qipao ZhongShanZhuang, etc have withdrawn from the stage of history. Formal occasions men and women Outfit already with western and no two different. In the usual civic life, pour will see many people in vest, shorts and slippers etc Close etiquette costumes.

5.在其他方面 5. in other ways

Is against 2.4.1 treat blood affection

Oriental attaches great importance to the family and kinship, blood is thicker than water, the traditional concept deep-rooted in relationships, the most stable is related by blood. Westerners are relatively independent consciousness is very strong, east speaking not value family kinship, they will obligation points very clear, responsibility must be neglecting, duty is completely depend on the actual ability, always emphasize individual own freedom.

6.礼品 6.gifts

China will give gifts as reciprocity, pay attention to interpersonal bridge, and the gifts of numerous, weddings and funerals, birthday, a raise, moving etc can serve as gifts for reason.The etiquette of western emphasizes communicative practice, on the basis of the exquisite manners concise, generally not easily giving gifts to others, even give gifts, also won't too much on the gift itself value, cultured is gift of cultural style and artistic quality.Gifts and accept gifts, also exist differences between east and west. Westerners give gifts, always to accepting the person directlyLocal explanation: this is my “ carefully chosen gifts for you, hope you like ”, or “ this is the best gift ”

Kind words, Westerners generally not refuse the other people's gift, accept gifts first to express gratitude, took the gift giver after alwaysFace to face down to see gifts, and presents a praise. And Oriental is different, the Chinese and Japanese people in gifts also music.then,Well-chosen before, but in receiving always hides said courteously “ the meager ritual no respect, please take it ”, or words to that effect.Oriental in receiving, and usually politely refuse xing. After received gifts, generally does not face to face down, lest each other because of the offeringGift underweight or unsitisfatory embarrassed, or appear yourself each light righteousness, impolite.


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