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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-05-24编辑:lgg点击率:3976

论文字数:36200论文编号:org201405241159352854语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:Originating from Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG), the appraisalsystem presents a new angle for the study of interpersonal meaning and also extendsand enriches the theory.

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background
Martin (2008), the main founder of the Appraisal theory claims that the AppraisalMeanings are the interaction of every system of language realized through the words,sentences, paragraphs, different rhetoric resources and even the whole text.Consequently, this thesis attempts to explore the Appraisal meanings in the tenEnglish editorials and to find out how these resources are employed to realize thenegotiation between editorial writers and the potential readers, and how they serve to fulfill the persuasiveness and objectiveness of the political editorials. The Appraisal theory, which is concerned with resources by which speakers orwriters aim to express or negotiate opinions and positions, is regarded as a newtheoretical framework which derives from interpersonal meaning within the theory ofSFL. As Thompson (2008: 75) puts forward, “Appraisal is a central part of themeaning of any text and that any analysis of interpersonal meanings of a text musttake it into account.” Based on previous studies, the fields where the Appraisal theoryis applied to can be numerous, such as news, advertisements, casual talks, etc, butrarely in the texts like political editorials.

1.2 Rationale
Originating from Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG), the appraisalsystem presents a new angle for the study of interpersonal meaning and also extendsand enriches the theory. Appraisal resources which refer to different kinds of attitudestogether with feelings involved in the texts and the ways how the readers areconnected and aligned.The appraisal theory can be divided into three sub-systems: attitude, engagementand graduation. And the attitude subsystem consists of three subcategories: Affect,which is with respect to the speaker/writer’s emotional response; Judgment, whichevaluates human behaviors with respect to social norms; and Appreciation, which isconcerned with the evaluation of objects according to aesthetic principles and othersocial values. (Martin & White, 2008) At the same time, engagement refers to thelinguistic resources by which speakers or writers explicitly present their positions. Itincludes discussion on modality, monoglossia and heteroglossia, meanwhile reflectingthe speaker/writer’s responsibility for what he/she has talked about. Last but not least,graduation is concerned with the semantics of scaling, including Focus and Force (LiZhanzi, 2002). What the Appraisal System discusses are the relations and negotiationbetween the text and the writers, or the speakers.This thesis is mainly to use the theories we have simply demonstrated above tomake a concrete analysis of the ten political editorials and then try to discover how thethree evaluative resources embodied in EPED contribute to the realization of thepersuasive or convincing function of EPED.

Chapter Two literature review

2.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the author will devote to examining the literature review whichcan be classified into three parts: the previous studies on news discourse, the previousstudies on editorials and the previous studies on appraisal theory. Numerous Chinese researchers also make great effort to promote thedevelopment of news discourse analysis. Based on the Functional Grammar, Zhang论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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