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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-09-05编辑:lgg点击率:6034

论文字数:38596论文编号:org201708302028222473语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



Chapter 1 Introduction 

1.1 Background 
In China, it is not difficult for most students to get high scores in various English examinations.  However,  to  communicate  with  native  or  English  speakers  would  be properly a headache to them. Due to the exam-driven teaching environment in China, English  teaching  tends  to  pay  much  attention  to  linguistic  forms  of  English,  such  as pronunciation of words, spelling of vocabularies, grammar of sentence structure. And students are likely to strengthen the importance of English exams instead of its actual use in daily life. Also, most exams in China are mainly to test the student’s listening, reading, writing and translating ability. For instances, important exams like CET 4 and CET  6  for  college  students  lack  the  testing  part  to  exam  student’s  pragmatic competence  or  it  occupies  a  small  portion  of  the  whole  test,  the  situation  is  same  of TEM 4 and TEM 8 for English major students. In a word, little attention has been paid to  pragmatic  competence  in  terms  of  the  comparison  with  linguistic  competence.  If the situation remains unchanged, it is likely that students can only be good at getting high scores but weak in putting it into actual use, or in Chinese they would be “high score low ability”.  Also, we lack the environment to speak English for most students because most English  trainings  are  just  limited  to  classroom.  We  are  still  in  short  of  teaching resources  to  hire  native  speakers  as  our  English  teacher  in  most  schools.  Most students  may  know  that  some  culture  taboos  or  culture  shocks  from  the  books  or movies.  For  examples,  in  most  cases  it’s  not  polite  and  appropriate  to  discuss  with westerners about their personal affairs like age, marriage, salary and so on. However in daily interaction most students tend to face communicative failure. It’s unavoidable to communicate with them to discuss some topics which might involve some typical speech  acts,  like  request,  refusal,  appellation  or  addressing.  And  implicature  might occur  in  some  situations.  So  it  is  necessary  and  emergent  for  English  teachers  in college  to  develop  student’s  pragmatic  competence  because  most  of  college  students have grasped the basic linguistic knowledge of English and they would be confronted with some situations related to speech acts in their life or work after graduation.  Chinese  students  spend  much  time  on  English.  On  the  basic  educational  phase, English surpassing mathematics costs students much time and efforts. However, most of them still don’t achieve high sco论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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