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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2023-07-01编辑:vicky点击率:612

论文字数:38566论文编号:org202306251153191101语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:$ 22




Chapter One The Return of the Repressed:Triggers of the Uncanny

1.1 Impossible Events beyond Causality


This part argues that Ghosh creates a realistic background,a reasonable man and the impossible events to trigger the uncanny.Since the occurrence of the uncannydepends on a realistic background which follows the law of cause and effect.Underthis precondition,any break of the law will be interpreted as impossible,especially fora reasonable man like the protagonist Deen.In probability theory,the impossible event means that the probability of the eventis zero.

In other words,the impossible event is an empty set that contains no outcomes.However,in the theory of uncanny,the impossible event is the undergoing concreteobject or incident that is incongruous in the subject’s experience or rational cognition,which generates the subject’s uncertainty about it,and the cognitive anxiety towardthe reality,to some extent(Windsor 2019).

This reveals two conditions of the rise of the uncanny.Firstly,it must have theconcrete and particular object or the incident that happens in the real world andconstitutes the familiar part in the subject’s experience rather than the abstract theoryor fictional event.When it comes to novels,the rise of the uncanny feeling requires arealistic background.If a novel adopts the magic and fantastic worldview,the ghostsand fairies will become reasonable.In that case,the impossible events cannot happen,nor can the characters feel uncanny.Nevertheless,“the situation is altered as soon asthe writer pretends to move in the world of common reality.In this case he accepts allthe conditions operating to produce uncanny feelings in real life”(Freud 2003:18).Therefore,the trigger of the uncanny demands realistic settings of novels thatconform to the natural laws of the real world.

1.2 Odd Coincidences of the Eco-migration of Rafi and the Animals

This part finds that as Deen is a western-educated and reasonable man,the destiny revealed in odd coincidences destroys his faith in freedom and makes himsurrender to the unknow destiny that controls everything.Therefore,the coincidencesfunction as the trigger of the narrator’s uncanny feeling.

As the usual phenomenon in literary works,coincidence can refer to two or morecasual events connected because of their closeness and similarity(Hannay 1988),orthe co-occurrence of the events or the juxtaposition of characters.Since coincidenceemphasizes the particularity of the events or the characters,it attracts readers’attention and has certain narrative function(Chen 2009).According to the differentfunctions of coincidence,it can be divided into the structural coincidence,thesubsidiary coincidence,philosophical coincidence,and daily coincidence(McDonald1968).On the other hand,it can also be categorized into the coincidence of charactersand the coincidence of events.The coincidence of events often features the similarityor opposition,or the co-occurrence and sequence of two casual events(Chen 2009).Coincidences are often used in realistic novels,such as Charles Dicken’s Oliver Twistand Great Expectations.

However,in the uncanny theory,the psychological effect caused by coincidenceis more ab论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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