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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2023-09-19编辑:vicky点击率:443

论文字数:38966论文编号:org202309161541105757语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background


The 2023 QS World University Rankings published on 8 June,2022 shows that the numberof American universities accounts for roughly half of the top 100 universities.The finding canimply the advancement of American higher Education to a certain degree.The reason whyAmerican higher education is advanced cannot be explained without considering its highereducational philosophy.Educational philosophy is abstract,but as the core of higher education,itplays an essential role in guiding higher education.The abstract educational philosophy can beexplored with the tangible commencement speeches delivered by university presidents ofAmerican universities.Commencement ceremonies are a necessary means by which the fouryears of college are shaped into and become an experience.What’s more,a commencementspeech is important for inspiring graduating students who will get into the workforce.Thisspeech is to simply prepare students to see the bigger picture.Thus,university presidents,as therepresentatives of universities,not only express their personal wishes to graduates but alsoimplicitly convey educational philosophy to guide graduates to be what the universities wantthem to be in commencement speeches.In order to better persuade graduates to accept the ideasof speeches,university presidents usually use metaphors in commencement speeches.Thecognitive turn of metaphors shows that thoughts and ideas are metaphorically constructed.Metaphors are the linguistic evidence of thoughts and ideas.Therefore,analyzing metaphors in commencement speeches made by American university presidents can be feasible and effectiveto uncover American higher educational philosophy.

1.2 Research Purpose and Significance

The purpose of the study is to explore conceptual metaphors in commencement speeches bypresidents of some leading American universities.The universities are chosen based on the 2023QS World University Rankings.The commencement speeches made by university presidentsduring the last ten years(2013-2022)will be selected as data.

Following the procedures of Critical Metaphor Analysis,this thesis attempts to explore themain types of conceptual metaphors used by American university presidents in theircommencement speeches,the operating mechanisms of conceptual metaphors to conveyeducational philosophy in commencement speeches,and the potential factors influencing thechoice-making of major conceptual metaphors in American universities’commencementspeeches in details.

The significance of this study can be discussed in the following three aspects.Firstly,it willshed some light on how the use of conceptual metaphors benefits American university presidentsin conveying their educational ideas effectively in commencement speeches.Secondly,this studywill reveal the educational philosophy and show the social function of American universities.Thus,the understanding of American higher education can be deepened to a certain degree.Thirdly,applying Critical Metaphor Analysis to commencement speeches made by universitypresidents can further enrich the application scope of Critical Metaphor Analysis.


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