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2006年职称英语考试(理工类C级)考试试题及答案 [4]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-09-15编辑:lisa点击率:12495

论文字数:1000论文编号:org200909151703327978语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文



Too Late to Regret It
  When I was a junior, I met a second-year student in my department. He wasn't tall or good-looking, but he was very nice, attractive and athletic. He had something that I admired very much. He was natural, warm, and sincere.
  I disregarded (不顾) my parents' disapproval. We were very happy together. He picked me up from my dorm every morning, and after class we would sit alongside the stream that ran through campus, or sunbathe (晒太阳) on the lawn. At night he would walk me back to my dorm. He came from a poor family, but in order to make me happy, he borrowed money from his friend to buy presents and meals for me. Our fellow students looked up to him as a role model, and the girls envied (妒忌) me. He wasn't a local, but wanted to stay here after graduation. I thought we had a future together.
  However, when I got a part-time job during the summer vacation, people began giving me a lot of pressure, saying that a pretty, intelligent girl like me should find a better guy to spend time with. This was also what my family thought. He spent the summer in his hometown, so I was all by myself. When he got back, I began finding fault with him. But his big heart and warmth soon drove all unpleasant thoughts away. However, I had no idea how badly I had hurt him and that things would get worse.
  I had a good part-time job off campus that paid pretty well. With my good performance at school, I also got admission to graduate school at one of China's best universities. He, on the other hand, did not do so well at school or at work. I had to worry about his living expenses, job and scores.
  Almost all my colleagues and friends advised me to break up with him. Then we had a quarrel last June~ He was in great pain, and my cold words and bad moods started turning him away.
  Graduation time was drawing near, and he said he wanted to go back to his hometown. He said that he couldn't put up with me anymore. I was shocked and looked at him in despair.
  True love happens only once, but I found it out too late.
36 When did the author fall in love with the boy?
A.After she had a quarrel with him.
B.When she was a junior.
C.When she was a second-year student.
D.After she found a part-time job.

37 What did he do to make her happy?
A.He studied much harder.
B.He often took her for a ride.
C.He always endured her insults.
D.He often bought her presents and meals.
38 Who advised her to break up with him?
A.His parents.
B.Her teachers.
G.Her colleagues and friends.
D.Their fellow students.
39 Why did he leave her?
A.Because he could no longer bear her.
B.Because he hated her.
C.Because his parents needed taking care of
D.Because he wasn't a local.
40 Upon learning that he would leave her, she was
A.very happy.
B.extremely joyful.
C.quite relieved.
D.in great pain.
Recycling Around the World
Reeycling is one 0f the best eNVironmeutal 8ucee88 stories 0f tlle late 20th eentury.But we could do moEe.People must not see recycling as fashionable,but essential.
The Japanese ltre very good at recycling because they live in a crowded country They do not have much space.They do not want t0 share their 1imited space with rubbish But eVeN so,Toky0 area alone is estimated to have three million tons of le~ove论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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