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美国留学生文学作业:五篇诗歌journal [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2017-10-05编辑:anne点击率:6434

论文字数:300论文编号:org201710051300386915语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文



which can represent his wishes. It is necessary to change such a backward and terrible society and pursue the equity in the society. With the development of the culture and the social system, the racial discrimination also exists, which should be abandoned. Only by respecting each other can the society become more happy and prosperous in the near future.We human beings should try our best to contribute to the harmoniousdevelopment of the world. 

Blake Holy Thursday布莱克圣星期四

The poem has expressed the question to the justice of the society. The society is full of injustice, which has caused damage to the normal life of some common people. The children’sdestiny is poor and the miserable life makes me sad. The society is rich, but most of the social resources are in the hand of a small number of people. Children should not beregimented in the charity school, for the mind of the children has been twisted, which is not beneficial to the sound development of the society as well. 
As in modern time, children now can enjoy their school life and live happily with their parents. However, the comparison between the modern life of children and the miserable life in the 'Holy Thursday' has made me to think much more deeply. Children are innocent, and they have been seen as the future of the new world. It is sensible to foster children to become excellent and train them to contribute to the fast development of the society. This poem has been composed during theindustrial revolution. The huge changes in the industry and people’s perceptions have been thought of as a kind of great progression at that time. The society is progressing and people’s life is becoming better and better. Children should learn to appreciate the happy life nowadays and try their best to turn into excellent social members in the near future. 

Dickinson “Safe in their Alabaster Chambers”狄金森“安息宝”

“Safe in their Alabaster Chambers” has been written by Emily Dickinson, who is interested in composing the poems centering on “death”. On thinking of death, most people are sad, for with the years passing by, our dear family members and relatives, friends gradually depart from us. It is useless to be afraid of death, for it will come in the end. To live happily and colorfully is the best way to cherish life. Although the theme of death has not been referred directly, the words in the poem have led me to realize it. In our daily life, we also employ the word “sleeping” to indicate death in some cases. Eternal sleep means death as well. 
In the poem, the imagery of snow plays an important role in expressing the topic “death”, for white can represent death to some degree, and the white snow will melt with the passing time. Life is short and precious. In modern time, some people do not cherish life and they take drugs or commit crimes, which has caused damage to the society and endangered the life of other people as well. From this poem, I begin to realize that I should work much harder to make my dreams come true. 


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