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英语论文写作; Literature review [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:文献综述 Literature Review登出时间:2010-12-24编辑:anterran点击率:22700

论文字数:1453论文编号:org201012241256228745语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:traditional educational teaching styleproblem-based learning teaching styleLiterature review

s require an effective speaker.
◆Lectures place the burden of organizing and synthesizing content solely on the lecturer.
◆Lectures are not suited to complex, detailed or abstract material.

Lectures also fail to:
◆Teach students where to search for new material.
◆Show students that knowledge is constantly changing.
◆Provide access to data bases that students can manipulate to find new information.
◆Teach students how to solve problems through content application.
◆Teach students how to work cooperatively with others to solve problems.

Research suggests that the exclusive use of the lecture in the classroom constrains student learning [2]. One of the problems with total reliance on the lecture method is the inability of most individuals to listen effectively over a sustained period, no matter how skillful a lecturer may be [2, 4]. In a medical school study, student concentration in a lecture rose sharply to reach a maximum intensity in 10-15 minutes, and fell steadily thereafter [6]. The authors suggested that the progressive fall in concentration might reflect saturation with factual data, partial exhaustion of teacher and students, student boredom, or lack of variety in the teaching method. It was suggested that a 25-30 minute lecture might be more appropriate than the conventional 50 minutes [6]. In another study of concentration during a lecture, it was found that students noted 41% of the material presented during the first 15 minutes, and the amount noted decreased thereafter [7].

The lecture assumes that all students need the same information, presented orally, at the same pace, without dialogue with the presenter

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[4,8]. Clearly this assumption is invalid. In addition, the lecture assumes that students are auditory learners, have high memory capacity, have good note-taking skills, and are not susceptible to information processing overload [8]. Lectures involve a passive approach to learning, and are largely out of control of the student [5]. Student surveys find teaching to be too uniformly didactic, and their learning too passive [9]. Students report spending considerable class time just taking notes. In addition, much study time is spent just memorizing rather than in activities such as analysis, application, synthesis, and evaluation [9]. There is ample evidence that lectures are less popular than other methods of instruction [10]. In a review of multidisciplinary research (including the biological sciences) comparing lectures vs. discussion, student-centered projects, reading, and self-instruction, COSTIN makes the following conclusions [11]: Lectures do not differ consistently from discussion or student-centered projects in acquisition of information. Discussion is probably more effective for teaching cognitive skills: interpreting knowledge and solving problems. Discussion and student-centered projects are more effective for helping students retain information beyond the termination of a cou论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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