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《汉川脉旺50MWp农光互补光伏电站项目(二期)可行性研究报告》(节选)英译项目报告 [3]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2021-03-29编辑:vicky点击率:5274

论文字数:43255论文编号:org202103211629044237语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:$ 22




2.2.1 Non-subject Sentences

According to the interpretation of Wei Yanmei (2019: 13), non-subject sentencesbelong to no-subject-predicate sentences, which refers to a sentence without a subject.This kind of sentences mainly describe the state, action rather than stressing what the thing or person is. And what scientific texts reflect are objective facts or scientificdeductions based on the facts with no need to point out who is the performer.Therefore, in terms of sentence structure, Chinese scientific and technological textsoften adopts non-subject sentences to highlight its firmness, objectiveness andpersuasion. Examples of noun-subject sentences can often be found in source text.


Chapter Three Solutions to Major Issues and Difficulties......................18

3.1 Solutions to the Lexical Issues and Difficulties........................... 18

3.1.1 Translation of Terminologies and Proper Nouns....................................18

3.1.2 Translation ofAbbreviation...........................22

Chapter Four Conclusion and Recommendations................................32

4.1 Major Findings.........................32

4.2 Recommendations..........................33

Chapter Three Solutions to Major Issues and Difficulties

3.1 Solutions to the Lexical Issues and Difficulties

In the process of translation, words are the most basic unit of translation.According to Nida’s translation theory, language conversion should be accomplishedusing the “closest natural” words. Generally speaking, literal translation is adopted inlexical equivalent translation. Nevertheless, the translators are supposed to adjusttranslation strategies in terms of context and stylistic characteristics, selecting themost appropriate words. Taking the unique lexical features of the scientific andtechnological text above and the common problems in to consideration, the authoradopts the following methods in translation practice.

3.1.1 Translation of Terminologies and Proper Nouns

According to Peter Newmark (2001: 151), technical translation is primarilydistinguished from other forms of translation by terminology. FSR covers hugeamounts of terminologies and proper nouns which touch upon various aspects of theelectrical engineering industry. When these technical terms are translated, it isnecessary to find out the words that not only conform to the target language norms butaccurately convey the information with the help of professional dictionaries, paralleltexts related to science and technology as well as appropriate translation strategies.


Chapter Four Conclusion and Recommendations

4.1 Major Findings

The demand for scientific translation is burgeoning around the world due to theacceleration of globalization and the rapid development of science and technology,and the scientific translation has become more and more crucial in thishigh-connected world. However, the scientific translation in China is facing theproblem of stagnation, which triggers scholars and translators to work on this field.Under this background, the author decided to choose the C-E translation of FeasibilityResearch Report on 50MWp Agricu论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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