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代写英文论文 ITEC Company offers training and helps clients to build their own companies and teach them how to manage

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2012-06-01编辑:Sam xu点击率:2632

论文字数:1800论文编号:org201206012119567701语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 22

关键词:competitive environmentSWOTstrategy

摘要:ITEC Company offers training and helps clients to build their own companies and teach them how to manage. It could say that ITEC is the original producer of all kinds of IT companies.

论文用于:BA assignment 本科课程作业

Executive Summary
ITEC Company offers training and helps clients to build their own companies and teach them how to manage. It could say that ITEC is the original producer of all kinds of IT companies. Meanwhile, it seems like an information mall for people to lead a convenient life.
This report is mainly about the analysis of expansion of the ITEC Company in the UK market. It first conducted the Porter’s five forces analysis of competitive environment by ITEC, then carried out the SWOT analysis of ITEC Company, next four components of strategy are discussed in details for ITEC to enter the UK market, and finally some conclusions and recommendations are given.

Table of Contents
Executive Summary 2
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 4
2. Porter’s five forces analysis of ITEC 4
2.1 The threat of new entrants 4
2.2 The bargaining power of suppliers 5
2.3 The threat of substitutes 5
2.4 The bargaining power of buyers 5
2.5 The existing competitors 6
3. SWOT analysis of ITEC 6
4. Four components of strategy 7
4.1 Distinctive competences 7
4.2 Scope of operations 8
4.3 Resources deployment 8
4.4 Synergy 9
5. Conclusions and recommendations 9
References 10
Appendix 11


1. Introduction
As ITEC has developed into mature and successful IT Company already, the manager teams start to consider put the expansion to the UK on the agenda. On one hand, the local competitors in the UK have advantages; as well it’s unwisely for the ITEC Company to https://www.51lunwen.org/business/ start two battles at the same time. There should be a better direction for ITEC’s development according to the following analysis, which is to abandon the UK market temporary, focus on the foreign markets which are close to Spain and with similar economic environment. After those expansion and merger, there would be no any equal competitors in that area. With a powerful technological support and efficient fund, ITEC may send a branch landed in the UK market, and occupy it finally.

BDM (2011). Available from: www.belladesign.co.uk. [Accessed on 4th April, 2011]
Portaldetuciudad.com Website Statistics (2010). Available from: https://kewlshare.com/websitestatistics/portaldetuciudad.com.html.  [Accessed on 3th April, 2011] https://www.51lunwen.org/CorporateFinance/2011/0826/1310345866.html
Terrados, J. (2005). Regional energy planning through SWOT analysis and strategic planning tools: Impact on renewable development. University of Jaén, Spain.
Worth, D. (2011). Poor teaching putting UK IT industry at risk. Available from: https://www.v3.co.uk/v3-uk/news/2030672/poor-teaching-putting-uk-it-industry-risk. [Accessed on 3th April, 2011]


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