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Core competency

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2012-06-11编辑:Sam xu点击率:3074

论文字数:650论文编号:org201206112338441635语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文


摘要:留学生论文代写 Core competence is a critical factor impacting an organization’s survival and development. Explicitly the core competency can be attached to carriers like human resource, organization operation mode, etc.

论文语言:英语论文 English
论文专业:Business Management字数:600(200字一篇)
学校国家:英国 U.K.
您的学校:anglia ruskin
论文用于:Pre-Masters Assignment 硕士预科作业

1. Core competency           
Define: Core competence is a critical factor impacting an organization’s survival and development. Explicitly the core competency can be attached to carriers like human resource, organization operation mode, etc. Core competency is defined as a collection of knowledge and skills contained in https://www.51lunwen.org/coursework/2012/0207/1108306271.html a company’s core products or service. Inside a company, corresponding knowledge and skills are needed to coordinate and integrate various manufacturing technology for affording better products or services for the customers.

Explain: The concept of core competence can be visualized by three features. Firstly core competence cannot be imitated easily or mechanically by others including competitors, new entrants, etc; secondly core competence can keep promoting the quality improvement of products and services a company offers, through the experienced and accumulated knowledge and skills application; thirdly, core competence aims at creating larger value and benefits for the company’s customers than other competitors, which means that the company cannot successfully compete with its competitors without its core competence.

How: To deeper illustrate what is core competency, the Metersbonwe case will be used here. The company Metersbonwe adopt an operation mode of virtual business. The so-called virtual business mainly refers that the producing process and selling process of Metersbonwe products are outsourced. Therefore, the company only needs to focus managing its brand and design process through applying professional skills and knowledge, and that is the core competence of Metersbonwe.

2. Competitive Advantage    
Define: Competitive advantage is defined as the advantages of an organization that can help the organization acquire more benefits or profits with fewer costs. Competitive advantages collaborate to obtain the successful position in the competitive process. https://www.51lunwen.org/business/ Then competitive advantages consist of core competency of a company.

Explain: Competitive advantage is only demonstrated through competing with competitors for an organization. Specifically, competitive advantage is demonstrated as an attribute or combinations of attributes that promotes the company outperform its rivals. The attributes include natural sources, highly skilled human resource, new technologies, reputed brand, or complete sale channels etc. Anyway either of the attributes or collection of attributes can consist of the competitive advantage for a company.

How: To visually depict competitive advantage, combined with my coursework, the competitive advantage of Metersbonwe includes low-cost of products, differentiation of product design and market positioning, and brand focusing. Through using virtual manufacturing and selling mode, the company Metersbonwe saves large amount of time and cost for focusing brand image improvement and reducing product cost; through analyzing the market needs, the objective of meeting of the leisure needs 14 to 35-year-old young is set. These competitive measures mix to form the competitive advantage of Metersbonw论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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