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沟通信息与知识管理-留学作业写作 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2017-03-27编辑:cinq点击率:5388

论文字数:2000论文编号:org201703271720516546语种:中文 Chinese地区:英国价格:免费论文



Wide Web. (www.telkom.co.za)

I think that Telkom is a very professional company and they are well aware of what they are doing and how they intent to better there future.

All companies need to communicate with their stakeholders in order to be successful in what they do. The way they communicate with their stakeholders is very important because it determines their level of professionalism. Stakeholders can include employees, customers and other clients. Most stakeholders communicate by means of the internet or newsletters or even meetings, there are many tools that a person can use to communicate.

Telkom uses various means to communicate with its employees and their stakeholders. Telkom communicates with its people via internet and newsletters and being able to send out memorandums also intranet. The intranet holds information about the different sectors in the company.

By using the internet, advertisments and brouchers they communicate to most of their clients. By logging on to the telkom webpage the clients will be able to access the different numbers that are needed to contact telkom. Telkom needs to communicate to its potential clients at all times so that the clients will chose them instead of other dealers. The marketers need to work on their job with full force in order to keep the organisation running at its best advantage.

Technology is very important to Telkom because its used as a link between clients and the business. Telkom used various means of technology such as:

VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal)
Broadband Wireless
Broadband Internet over Power Line
ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
DVB (Digital Video Broadcast)
VPN's (Virtual Private Networks)
Dial-Up Connectivity
Other Methods
Communication is very important to an organisation but there are five steps in order to improve your informations they are:

Difine the information
Conduct the information
Develop the information
Implement the information
Control the information
The information needs to be well organise and developed as well as accurate, complete, vailidity and consistent in order to be a successful business. Dealing with Telkom shareholders and in Telkom shares they need to:

Contacting Telkom shareholders is extremely important to the Organisation.
To understand this policy.
No insider may deal in Telkom shares.
Certain levels and functions in Telkom are required to sign agreements.
I might have a few suggestions to better telkoms communication stratagy both internally and externally. They must also have more meetings with there competitors and their most important customers in order to reach a stable and good competitive advantage.

Information systems
Three Softwares that Telkom use to better there service to the excisting clients and in order to achive a competitive advantage. Productivity

Productivity software is also known as Tool software. This includes any software that can be used as a tool and helps you produce documents, spreadsheets, a database, or other products. Also included in the productivity category are the 'Authoring' programs. These programs are designed to help you produce computer programs and the term authoring suggests writing. These auth论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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