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(A) in the entire e-commerce transaction process, the Logistics business flow is actually a follow-up and service are popping up, and no modern logistics, business flow easily any activities will degenerate into a dead letter. So, in today's environment, the rapid development of e-commerce to the logistics industry, has raised new demands.

   (1) logistics information.


    Information is the inevitable requirement of e-commerce logistics, through the information to achieve real-time grasp of logistics, effective control of the logistics system in accordance with a predetermined target operation.

   (2) standardization of logistics.


Logistics is the logistics standardization harmonization, simplification, harmonization and optimization. By accelerating the speed of logistics logistics standardization, quality assurance logistics, reduce logistics chain and reduce logistics costs.

   (3) logistics efficiency.


     Logistics efficiency refers to the logistics activities, requiring extensive use of advanced logistics technology, automation, intelligent logistics equipment, efficient conduct of logistics operations.

    (4) Logistics standardized.

Logistics standardization body that is clearly the rights and obligations logistics, standardize the behavior of the main logistics and logistics to achieve orderly competition between subjects, get the best order and social benefits.

    (5) Logistics flexible.

Flexibility is a customer-centric, to respond quickly to customer needs, to meet the diverse and personalized logistics needs.

    (6) logistics and international.

International logistics of e-commerce breaking the constraints of time, the face of global markets, companies from the global market through e-commerce access to raw materials, the world organization of production, and the products are sold around the world.

    (B) e-commerce environment, the third party logistics enterprises should have the characteristics.

    (1) specialized information services.
Specialized information services refer to third-party logistics enterprises will outsource its information systems professional logistics information service providers.
    (2) integrated business development.
Comprehensive business expansion requires third-party logistics companies across the sector information boundaries, the various departments to achieve interoperability of data and information, while achieving the upstream and downstream integration of information between partners, the real integration of internal and external collaboration .
    (3) systematic management.
Systematic management requires third-party logistics industry through highly intensive syndicated to further reduce operating costs and improve efficiency.
    (4) personnel demanding.

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