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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2013-08-26编辑:yangcheng点击率:4445

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Logistics in the "objects" is the material world with physical entities can be physical characteristics and that part of the displacement of material. "Flow" is the physical movement, this movement had its limited meaning, is to the Earth as the reference, relative to the earth and the physical movement occurs, called "displacement." Flow range is large geographic range, it can be in the same region, the same micro-environment movement, small-scale displacement. "Objects" and "flow" of the combination is a natural movement built on the basis of advanced forms of exercise. The purpose of each link in the economic purpose and physical, between the physical, between military objectives and even in some kind between the social purpose and to find the laws of motion. 


Therefore, the logistics is not only limited to the above conditions, the "objects" and "flow" of the portfolio, but more importantly because it is limited to military, economic and social conditions of the portfolio, is from the military, economic and social point of view to the observed transport to reach some sort of military, economic and social requirements.


National standards in China "Logistics terms" the definition states: Logistics is "receiving goods from suppliers to the process of physical movement, according to the actual needs of the transport, storage, handling, transport, packaging, distribution processing, distribution, information processing and other basic functions to implement combination. "
The logistics of this theoretical understanding of economic activity was first produced in 1901. 1901 United States John • F • Grew Weir (John.F.Growell) in the United States government report "Agricultural Products Circulation Industry Committee Report," the first time discussed the impact on the circulation of agricultural products and the cost of various factors, thus exposing It opened a prelude to understanding the logistics activities. In 1915, Archie • Xiao (Arch. Shaw) in the "Issues of marketability," a book first discusses the logistics strategic role in the circulation. In 1929, the famous American Marketing expert Fred: E Clarke (Fred.E.Clark) in his book "Principles of Marketing", a book will be incorporated into the logistics market conduct of operations research category, and that is the flow of logistics subsidiary function.

With the understanding of the logistics activities and theoretical studies of the development of the logistics concept gradually formed and continue to develop.


According to the Japanese Logistics Management Association records, Japan in the 1950s after the economy has recovered to the level before the Second World War. Business investment in equipment and large-scale renovation, technology has improved continuously, productivity increased significantly. 1955 established the Productivity Center, the group in order to improve the circulation of production efficiency, to ensure the smooth running of the economy an论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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