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我国供应链管理的对策:Measures of Supply Chain Management

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2013-09-09编辑:yangcheng点击率:6570

论文字数:1112论文编号:org201309072220504892语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



1 . Strengthen supply chain management research efforts and elementary education , change their ideas.


Our supply chain management theory and practice in its infancy. Many theoretical questions yet thorough, even the concept of supply chain management has not been uniform . Fortunately, it has caused the government departments and industry associations attention, began to supply chain management of research and exploration . Government should subsidize some conditional units , increase supply chain management research efforts for the dissemination of this new management concept and practical application of foundation in theory .



Supply chain management includes a number of management techniques and methods , our business community and the public knows about it is still very superficial , seriously affecting its application and promotion , although some companies operating in the supply chain has been partially reflected in supply chain management ideas, but do not understand the supply chain management . Therefore, the relevant departments should strengthen the supply chain management elementary education .


By strengthening the supply chain, elementary education , to enable enterprises to truly recognize that in today's fast- changing market , relying on its own strength has been unable to gain a competitive advantage , we must put themselves into the supply chain , where their companies into eco- system, in the culture from their own core competitiveness , based on strengthening cooperation with trading partners , they are not good business to outsource change the past, " large" , " small" backward concept, change the past, " the more big is better "mentality, the pursuit of business goals into practical results . Only able to truly provide a valuable service to our customers , in order to survive and develop themselves .
2 . Accelerate e-commerce, barcode technology promotion
Barcode technology and e-commerce supply chain management is the core enabling technology . They are applied directly related to the level of success of supply chain management .

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