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英语论文网教你写曼彻斯特留学论文 [4]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2014-09-26编辑:felicia点击率:31382

论文字数:14206论文编号:org201409251313068595语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:互联网互联网服务供应商互联网用户computersinternet users


im that 43 percent of the students that completed the survey spend and use more than 10 hours a week on the internet. They use it for their academic purposes and also for entertainment. Google, Yahoo and Facebook are the most visited and welcoming websites. 62 percent of the students download videos and photos and 24 percent of the students involve in online bulletin boards, forum or chats.

Twenty-two percent of the students involve in blogging. With adorable to advertisements that are displayed online, 40 percent of the students are likely to respond to an advertisement that is absurd while 28 percent prefer the real fact-based advertisements.

Most of the college students spend their time on the internet as adverse to other mediums and their usage behaviors have amplify. They are not just surf websites, rather they now use the internet to interact with their friends, doing research, share photos, download photos and view videos. And hence, advertisers have a great opportunity to accomplish 18- to 24-year-olds online in a far more meaningful way.

The attraction of internet based learning is undeniable. As technology changes, academic institutions in Malaysia need to examine their technological status. E-learning was introduced in the Malaysian higher institutions since 1998. Besides that, e-learning in the primary and secondary schools is still in its beginning. The Malaysian government has a care towards the e-learning. Sizable investments have been made in ICT infrastructure in schools across the nation. Aside from that, supporting and reinforcing the national policies for e-learning has been formulated to accentuate the government commitment in accentuating its utilization. The current policies focus on many aspects, ICT for all students and ICT culture must be anticipate throughout educational institutions. The usage of computers and internet for searching latest information, interaction, and entertainment and as a productivity tool is highly required. The strategies assigned by the Ministry of Education in arising the ICT culture is by providing quick and access to ICT, improving capabilities of instructors and students and providing better, faster internet connections.

The Malaysian Government has taken major initiatives to boost the e-learning industry in Malaysia. On the education sector, Ministry of Education has take a few strategies in advancing the use of ICT in education such as the remodeling of adequacy and update tested ICT infrastructure and equipment to all academic or educational institutions, the appear of ICT curriculum, appraisal and the accent of integration of ICT in teaching and learning. The advantages bring about few projects such as the MySchoolNet, the Malaysian Smart School, and the Computing Tablet project. MySchoolNet is a website build up by the Ministry of Education to accommodate links to educational information internationally. The key aspect in the website is the conversational communication between Malaysian school children and students from other countries. At the year of 2004, the Ministry of Education cooperate with the private sector to admit a pilot project known as Computing Tablet that involving the use of laptops in advancing teaching learning experience in a wireless technology envi论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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