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Marketing research MBSP0051

论文作者:51lunwen论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2008-09-23编辑:点击率:6195

论文字数:2868论文编号:org200809230857515420语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 33

关键词:Marketing researchEngland

Marketing research MBSP0051

The Brief
Hertfordshire Conference is a new conference venue company and lies south east of England. In the same time, the company plays another important role as a Business School. Nowadays, the Conference venue company is a one of larger industry in UK. Therefore, the conference market was seen to be crowded. In addition, Hertfordshire Conference Company faced with a decrease in the conference market and the slowing global economy.

However, the main purpose of company is to make profit to gain development in business. Therefore, the company has to decide to have a measure in its corporate promotion strategy for the strong developments and changes within the distribution of the conference market in recent years. On the other hand, most players compete on price and various discount schemes. Especially, advertising Mailshot campaigns to promote these competitive strategies were considered to be very similar. Therefore, it is essential that Hertfordshire Conference should do a promotion research for deal with these factors.

As a kind of fast media to make a image of the company, Hertfordshire Conference company’s advertising strategy was needed to create an image of as the conference organiser’s partner, as Hertfordshire Conference is not the strongest name in the conference market at present. The strategic imperative is to be seen to be different when UK customers are booking their conferences in the Autumn for the following Spring. The aim of the campaign is also to create a reputation for excellence as a high quality state of the art conference venue that provides outstanding value for money. Therefore, for achieving these goals of the advertising campaign, it is important that understand objectives of research proposal. On the one hand, it is will assist expansion of corporate core message. For getting this objective, there are some issues should be focused, as following:
1. Creating an image of as the conference organiser’s partner,
2. To be seen to be different
3. Creating a reputation for excellence as a high quality state of the art conference venue.
4. Providing outstanding value for money.

On the other hand, evaluating advertising campaign’s effectiveness is should be thought. Hertfordshire Conference company want to understand in deed the trend of the conference market to effective corporate promotion. The research project will provide information on which medium is most suitable for promotion strategy to affect target audience. However, the final goal is to obtain benign competition.

The research will need focus that UK customers are booking their conferences in the Autumn for the following Spring. The reason of determine timescale is incarnated that the campaign will process form Autumn. Therefore, the timescale for the evaluation research is from Autumn to Spring. Due to limited fund to allocate in this research project, hence the customer satisfaction survey will be processed for only one year. The budget to this research will guesstimate around £100,000.

Background and Objectives
According keynote report, the conference industry faces with the trend of increase in economic in 2003 and 2004. Due to poor economic conditions, the conference industry suffered the series of global crises that is the slowing global economy. The main affect to industry are SARS and terro论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。