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The Researches of Corporate Political Strategyand Action in Chinese Transitional Environment [5]

论文作者:佚名论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2009-04-15编辑:黄丽樱点击率:21816

论文字数:3899论文编号:org200904152150051689语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:Corporate political strategyGovernment policyChinese transitional environmentanalyzedifference

nsitional Environment The fifth type is prolocutor strategy that includes three political tactics. The most used tactic is looking for familiar government officials directly and expecting them to speak for firms (Q10). While looking for the government officials through the government official’s family, townee, classmate, friend, and expecting them to speak for firms (Q11), and looking for the non-government officials who participate in policy making-decision, expecting them speak for firms (Q12) are moderately used. This indicates that looking for prolocutors is a common used strategy in China. 3.6 Institution Innovation Strategies in Chinese Transitional Environment The sixth type is institutional innovation strategy, which includes two tactics. The first is that through their own efforts, firms find the shortcoming of existing institutions, practicing and promoting the adoption of new institution rules which represent the direction of government policy and regulation change (Q19). The second is that firms enter into uncovered fields of existing institutions, arousing debate and discussion about new institutions and establishing the new institutional logics favorable for the firms finally (Q20). These two tactics are moderately used. This result reflects the real situation in China. China’s transition from planned economy to market economy has presented and will present lot of opportunities for institutional changes, among which, a large percentage are initiated by business organizations to seek business opportunities. For example, the debate over the eliminating tax preferential law for foreign invested firms initiated by domestic firms, the issuing of Direct Marketing Law promoted by foreign firms in China, such as Avon and Anway. 3.7 Information Consultation Strategies in Chinese Transitional Environment The seventh type is information consultation strategy, which includes four political tactics. The most used is the active inquiry of the government policies and regulations relevant to the firms (Q15, Q16). The moderately used is putting forward the research report aiming at relevant problems such as the formulation and implementation of policy and rules from their own or industry angle, and sending them to relevant government department and industry organization by formal or informal way, thus to exert an influence (Q13, Q14). This indicate that firms in China keep the communication channel with government officials quite fluent in order to get the information from and sending the suggestion to policy-makers. 3.8 Societal Force Mobilization Strategies in Chinese Transitional Environment The eighth type is societal force mobilization strategy, which includes two tactics. They are arousing public attention from the media, consumers’ colony, stockholder or others, to form certain orientation of public opinion, and influencing government and industry decision-making actions indirectly (Q17, Q18), and these two tactics are moderately used. This indicates a fact that firms in China are able to make use of public opinions to exert influences on government policies. Such examples are many. For example, some private firms successfully get into China’s auto-making industry to make sedan, by appealing to public sympathy for a fair treatment of private investment. In this section, we should pay special attention to following two points. Firstly, the most often used political strategies by Chinese firms are government involvement论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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