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英国管理本科毕业论文 [7]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:本科毕业论文 Thesis登出时间:2015-06-03编辑:felicia点击率:30516

论文字数:15571论文编号:org201505262313039095语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文



ssing times, then these products that appear to be similar might travel completely different routes through the factory, and even the processes they do share have unique setups and very different process times. These types of products contribute significantly to the factory mix.

2.2.2 Volume

Volume is the quantity of a product over a specific period of time. Knowing whether a product is high volume or low volume is difficult to define because it depends so greatly on one's perspective. To a company such as Intel that produces millions of semiconductor chips a year, a product with a 100 unit per month volume would be considered low volume. To the employees of a space satellite manufacture, this type of volume would seem very high. They can usually count the number of products produced per month on one hand.

Some products that might be produced continuously are run in batches by companies trying to reduce setup time and costs.

2.2.3. Demand Variability

Demand variability is defined as the changes in customer demand over time. How different are the customer's orders between order cycles? The time between cycles could be fairly long (weeks or months) in slower-moving industries such as aerospace, defense, or very short (hours in case of Dell). The more demand for specific products fluctuates from order to order, the higher the demand variability.

It is important to note that total demand could be relatively constant, but demand by product varies between order periods. If the demand differences occur on similar products with similar routings and processing times in the factory, the contribution to demand variability is minimal.

2.2.4 Degree of Customization

Manufactured products can be standardized on one end of the spectrum or customized on the other end. Standard content includes materials and parts that repeat between orders of a given product. Customized content refers to materials and parts that are unique to a particular order.

The most extreme example of a customized product is one that is designed and produced only one. The international space station is such a product: although some companies might have other uses, this is a one of a kind product that is highly customized. On the extreme “standard” end of the spectrum are highly commoditized products such as basic fasteners and electrical devices, mechanical devices. These products do not change from order to order. They remain unchanged over long periods of time and can be manufactured in a repetitive manner.

2.3 Production Control Methods:

2.3.1 Push versus Pull

All different methods for controlling the movement of products from the beginning to the end of production can be characterized as either a push or pull system (or some combination of the two). In basic push system products that completes one process step is pushed to the next step. Production does not stop as long as there is product awaiting that process step. Inventory is allowed to论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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