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代写留学论文:mba 作业

论文作者:留学论文论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2012-06-02编辑:tinkle点击率:3720

论文字数:2533论文编号:org201206022325283146语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:$ 22

关键词:代写留学论文organizational managementconditions

摘要:mba 作业 Answer Question 1: How this benefits were achieved relating it to organizational management. Question 2: How the company will achieve a maximum production while considering it social responsibility to stakeholders, and taking into account its environmental responsibility.

论文用途:mba课程作业 Assignment


代写留学论文:mba 作业


Question 1:
How this benefits were achieved relating it to organizational management.
1.0 A well managed company that understands its impact on the communities in which it operates
Dell is a good corporate citizen and works closely with local communities in the locations where it operates. It understands the demands of https://www.51lunwen.org/mbaessay/  its communities, and actively takes part in the development and activity of the communities. So it gets the self-identity of its communities.(Glen Lehman 2007) In addition, Dell also set up Dell’s Technology Giving Programme which is for the educational and local community groups, meanwhile Dell sets up another programme - Dell Direct Giving which is to support philanthropy among its employees. Through this programme, Dell’s employees are encouraged to donate time and money to worthy causes in the communities. During September in each year, all employees worldwide focus on community work.

In January 2004, Dell was a partner in the Reuse Technology (RT) Centre, a scheme that facilitates the reuse of computers by community and non-profit groups. Dell’s customers are encouraged through Dell’s website to donate used systems to the RT Centre, who refurbish them, reload software and give them to suitable non-profit organizations. This makes hundreds of used computers available to communities that would not otherwise be able to afford them. At the same time, Dell also contributes a percentage of its own used computers to the RT Centre.

All of these are the causes that Dell done for its communities. It sets up and supports welfare undertakings which create a good ecological environment and cultural environment. Meanwhile, it also provides sufficient employment opportunities and good education for the people waiting for employment of the communities. These are the expression of a well managed company. Through these activity, Dell occupies the marketing and sets up a good image in the communities.


2.0 Improved working conditions and higher motivation amongst employees

3.0 Meeting expectations of "green" customers

4.0 Positive publicity for the corporation

Question 2:
How the company will achieve a maximum production while considering it social responsibility to stakeholders, and taking into account its environmental responsibility.   

Alan Jones 2001, ‘Social responsibility and the utilities,’ Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 34, Numbers 3-4, Pages 219-229
Byung-Chul Choi, Hang-Sik Shin, Su-Yol Lee & Tak Hur 2006, ‘Life cycle 
Assessment of a personal computer and its effective recycling rate,’ The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Volume 11, Number 2, Pages  122-128
Daisuke Yatsuzuka, Yumiko Taguchi & Tsutomu Tabe1 2009, ‘A study on a method of support for improving the motivation of employees,’ Lecture Notes in ComputerScience, Volume 5617, Human Interface and the Management of Information.

Designing Information Environments, Pages 197-204
Don E. Descy 2007, ‘Reduce, reuse, recycle: good earth and the electronics dilemma,’ TechTrends, Volume 51, Number 4, Pages 3-5
Glen Lehman 2007, ‘A common pitch论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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