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MBA Essay范文:经理人的角色 Role of line managers [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2017-03-06编辑:cinq点击率:7776

论文字数:2000论文编号:org201703061858086929语种:中文 Chinese地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:MBA Essay代写Essay职业经理人

摘要:本文是留学生MBA Essay范文,主要内容是分析和探讨职业经理人在企业中所扮演的角色,以及其是如何在企业中发挥管理作用的相关问题。

hing good labor relations with all employees so that they didn't fluctuate, discussing and understanding in all of them doubts.

1. Good communication

It is main and necessary as a condition ability. Without having opportunity to tell properly to you can forget about the others. In all type of administrative tasks the first and most widespread thing which you do, tells your requirements, expectations and opinions to other people. If you don't like to work with people, you shouldn't become a manager. Besides, you need to send the correct messages to another and to guarantee that they understood you. Also it is very important, what power you exercise to convince your views.

2. Good organization

It is the ability second for importance. You need to plan, organize and follow your own plan. It also includes understanding of rules and processes in the companies and among people and predictions that will occur and when.

3. Team building

The good manager has to keep the team of the sealed. Competition in team isn't favorable in order that it is good to be its participants. On the other hand, competition between teams very healthy and stimulating. If one member of team is accelerated, without helping another leaving the others, the whole team is doomed to failure. The professional manager will easily notice these malfunctions. He will try to cure a situation, discussing him with its team and, first of all, listening to them. The healthy and successful team is necessary, trust considerable degree. If the manager systematically constructs trust, the team will feel more appreciating and betrayed.

4. Leadership

Hearing of problems of other colleagues isn't enough. The good manager has to solve them and prove his commitment to the team purposes. It - also its duty to define the purposes together with its team and to confer responsibility on members of team in the clear way. It has a clear vision in what direction it wants that the team grew up. It has to 'infect' others with this vision and force them to follow the same direction.

5. Contact with changes

There are some managers who precisely know the whole working process. They do things almost automatically. The true manager has to be flexible and adapted. He is able to react quickly, facing any obstacles. Tension shouldn't be a factor to interfere with that it made the correct decisions.

6. Knowledge of area

The good manager has to understand, what process he operates. As his members of team work. What tasks they carry out. This ability isn't so important as others, but without it, in certain cases, team and the manager will never work at full capacity, using the whole potential due to the lack of mutual understanding. (Armstrong, 2006)

Function of the line managers in introduction of processes of HR

Changes in delivery of methods of human resources underwent change in the duties because of a large number of actions of HR as, objective planning of settlement or recruitment. The tendency of an individualization of all labor relations faced various difficulties, and also had many opportunities under responsibility of linear heads. One such example - the joint providing settlement of a payment which channelized separate work the connected samples of a payment in the majority of the organizations. Here论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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