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MBA Essay:工作轮换的好处 Benefits of Job Rotation [4]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2017-07-07编辑:cinq点击率:15245

论文字数:3000论文编号:org201707071231585210语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:工作轮换MBA Essay留学生作业

摘要:本文是留学生MBA Essay范文,主要内容是解释工作轮换的基本定义与内容,以及分析工作轮换在实际运用过程中的具体影响作用。

Strategies can differ drastically, but business owners can be certain that implementing a job rotation strategy will enhance organizational success thanks to more satisfied, motivated, skilled, and committed employees. The first advantage of job rotation is burnout reduction. When employees perform the same job functions each day without variation, they are likely to experience greater feelings of fatigue, apathy, boredom, and carelessness. The second advantage of job rotation is increasd employee satisfaction. Business owners know that when employees are not satisfied with professional endeavors, they feel demotivated, unhappy, and irritated, which are detrimental to productivity and the last advantage of job rotation is increased employee motivation. It is important for business owners to provide opportunities to increase employee motivation because greater motivation promotes higher levels of organizational commitment and desire to grow within the company.

Boost productivity, cut injuries with job rotation
March 3, 2003 in this article Joshua Clifton says that Workers who continually perform repetitive tasks will likely suffer breakdowns over time, so employers should rotate workers through a variety of tasks or jobs to prevent injuries. Job rotation alone does not change the ergonomic risk factors in a facility. It only distributes the risk factors more evenly across a larger group of employees. When workers rotate between two jobs, the risk exposure may drop to a safe level. However, if the two jobs have similar risks, the benefits are lost. Anyone should be allowed to suggest job rotations, including supervisors, managers, production employees and union officials, he says. However, an ergonomics committee and the employees who will be affected by the changes should approve rotations. By monitoring job rotation one can ensure flexibility for individuals who are having difficulty performing new tasks. Assess if further training or accommodations can be made for these individuals. To determine if the results of job rotation changes meet the goals of the program, a system of tracking should be in place. The system should let you compare the number of cumulative trauma disorders, restricted duty days and lost hours and by tracking data such as injury rates, turnover, employee satisfaction and workers' compensation costs to determine the effects of the job rotation.

Productivity Increases Through Job Rotation
In this article Lance Winsloe says that many companies have a number of jobs that must be done occasionally, but are completely mundane. The employees assigned to these jobs hate them and making them do the jobs destroys their moral. One way to fix this problem and to show these employees that they are valuable members of the team is to take those mundane jobs they dread to do, and split the work up amongst all the workers of the office or business unit. Next this can might be done by trying to split up all the jobs and occasionally rotating other people thru them until everyone can do every type of job in the company. By doing this they will find that eventually everyone in a company can do every job and this makes organization more efficient and protects its business when a key employee is absent or busy on another more important task.

Job rotation, total rewards, measuring value
April 25, 2005 in this article Margaret Fiester says that, there are many reasons for论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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