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MBA Essay:福特汽车公司的SWOT分析 [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2017-10-13编辑:cinq点击率:6216

论文字数:2000论文编号:org201710111519511376语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文

关键词:MBA EssaySWOT分析福特汽车

摘要:本文是留学生MBA Essay范文,主要内容是对福特汽车公司在经营方面进行SWOT分析。

is producing the cars with low mileage and pick up. Ford has a great opportunity to produce fuel efficient cars and commercial vehicles. For example, the company produced vehicles that run on different forms of energy outside the petrol and diesel whereas cars can run on renewable energies like solar power and bio fuels. This can help the company to become pioneers in the industry.

Ford has to expand more options in designing the cars and commercial vehicles are expected to switch toward the hybrid electric engines due to the limited petroleum. If the cars are designed based on electricity engines the consumers will show more interest to buy the cars, this is because when the car is run on electricity, the car repair charge will cheaper. Besides this, Ford has a chance to become more environment friendly company with cleaner engine emissions because hybrid engines are more fuel efficient and less polluting than conventional gasoline and diesel engines.

Ford tried to diversify their market towards India and China in order to diversify their revenues because the two countries are well-known countries with large geographical markets and high populations. Most people in these two countries are interested in owning a four wheeler for their family.

Ford launched a restructuring plan to improve the performance of its automotive business in North America. This plan aims to make the North American business more customer-focused, product-driven and efficient. The North American capacity is likely to be realigned to match demand, with 14 manufacturing facilities to be idled, resulting in significant cost savings and reduced employment. The way forward plan focuses on restoring Ford's North American automotive operations to profitability.

Increase the raw material like hard steel price and roll steel coil price will affect the margin price of the car. As a whole it will obviously affect the company's profit margin of the ford because of low margin price.

Ford growth and development may effected by rapid growth in number of competitors in the automobile company. From the beginning America demanded automobile industry. Ford's main competitors are General motors, Toyota, Honda, BMW, etc.

Ford capital spending low on its operations and research development expenditure which could influence the company from going forward when compared to its competitors. The competitors are spending big amount on R&D programmes.

Although global warning turning out to be greatest threat and individual use of automobile vehicle increase the risk of further, the cars and other private vehicle are the part of basic necessity on a common man's view. Therefore this is believed that no real threat of substitutes exits today, but it is believed that choosing other forms of transport such as bicycles, public transport's and sharing mobility would soon be imported in to the mind of people.

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