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英国影视专业留学生论文——植入式广告对电影发展的影响 [4]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-08-05编辑:felicia点击率:20238

论文字数:6383论文编号:org201408040838222375语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:植入式广告消费者行为品牌产品Product placementvisual representation


and Asian counterparts where as American consumers on the other hand are the strongest proponents of product placement being more authentic than advertising, whilst Asian consumers have the lowest value in both categories.

A study by Nebenzahl, Secunda (1993) on the attitude of film audiences showed that the majority of those interviewed preferred product placement over other forms of promotions because it was unobtrusively integrated into the film. The small minority who object are on ethical grounds. “They perceive product placement as a clandestine approach which deludes the consumer and they believe this practice should be forbidden.” (Pattyn, 2000).

Brand Association: Contexts and Celebrities

Williams (2004) shows that placements are contextually integrated and therefore are non-invasive, placement are therefore seen as an experience rather than an advertisement. Contextual integration can be achieved by product placement through character development and plot advancement in films, and product placement can also offer the chance of celebrity endorsement. Nelson and McLeod (2005) show that the credibility of an advertisement depends on the sources credibility; differing views on differing sources can alter the way in which a brand is perceived. The use of celebrities has the ability to influence the source credibility of a brand (Sawyer 2006). This can be achieved by tapping into the celebrity’s ‘equity’ (Zyman 2002). Such use of celebrities or actors enables their personality to ‘rub off’ on the product. (Rust and Varki 1996). This will have the effect of enhancing the brand personality. The use of a highly credible and recognised person can therefore influence levels of expertise and trust worthiness. Ohanian (1991) found that the perceived expertise of celebrity’s actually increased purchase intentions, even though the celebrity may have no actual knowledge of the product. It appears here that the product placement allows the attractiveness of a brand to be increased through association with a particular individual, even if that individual would have little actual knowledge or expertise in relation to the product or brand.

Ethicality behind product placement

Gupta and Gould (1997) define ethically-charged products (or “emotionally charged products”) as “products which especially arouse ethical concern and differences

across consumers regarding their marketing and consumption” the practice of product placement is sometimes referred to as unethical since audiences are rarely informed that they are watching paid advertising when they presume they are watching creative programming “playing on peoples susceptibility” (Plaisance 2009).

The common ethical concern in many articles is the notion that product placement constitutes a form of subliminal advertising, since products are integrated into films, but no disclaimer is present that warns the viewer of any form of advertising in the film (Gupta & Gould, 1997; Snyder, 1992; Nebenzahl & Secunda,1993). The practice of product placement could be described as misleading as advertiser’s interest and intention to influence the viewer may be concealed behind something else, in the case论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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