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社会媒体的负面影响 Negative Effects of Social Media [4]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2017-11-10编辑:cinq点击率:12244

论文字数:论文编号:org201711101512196797语种:中文 Chinese地区:英国价格:免费论文


摘要:本文是留学生Media Assignment范文,主要内容是针对当前社会媒体的发展状况,提出这种现象所带来许多不利影响。

' relationship, where each additional hour of viewing increases children's likelihood of experiencing socio-economic problems, and the risk of lower self-esteem,' the report said(“Spending too much time online ‘causing mental illness in children’ government health advisers warn - Mirror Online,” n.d.).

Lack of healthy due to too much socializing online
Pros when too much socializing online
Although it leads to a lot of disadvantages. Too much air can also lead to community among these are Converse. Can contact old friends apart. Old friends reunite separated. We can look back school friends over a network with one another while relation can relive old story. Besides that, when too much online socializing, it can help promote something. Through social networking site, the latest entry can be announced to friends in the social networking site. . For example cooking tasty and cheap restaurants can be widely known. The best type of camera for the money can be discussed.

It also easy to disseminate information. For example, the first time when you want to perform the ceremony wedding invitations need to find partners address each(“myMetro | Facebook & kami,” n.d.). But now with the sophistication of the social networking site, wedding cards can be placed there and communicated to colleagues. Easy and fast. Request help anxious as blood donation certain jens to help terminally ill patients can also be disseminated. Cases of fraud and faces criminal disseminated in the fight against crime.

Using a social network also, sharing of information or knowledge become easier. If we are wise to find a suitable friend, we will have the latest information quickly(“How Cell Phones Are Killing Face-to-Face Interactions | Mediashift | PBS,” n.d.). There are friends who are eager to share news and information to be shared. For example, the social networking site can replace the tv to know the latest news. Even with the trial court immediately known through twitter and certain websites. Current events can be known immediately. Science in medicine, technology and the like can also be disseminated.

Social web sites like this can actually provide many benefits to adolescents if used correctly. But most do not take advantage of such facilities with the best that exists between those who abuse that sparked controversy as threats to particular individuals.

Malaysia as a country that is peaceful and prosperous society must be completed with the ethical standards of excellence for surfing the cyber world full of comfort. Islam as a religion of mercy should be the main reference in the formulation of ethical consumerism Internet standard, according to the characteristics of Islam itself that brings a complete change of angle whether social, economic, political, and so on. Islam requires all Muslims to respect each other, we maintain dignity and society around us. The issue of students exposed to pornographic material can be contained if religious values applied in the students. Certain parties have to take action to control closely so that students do not tend to social problems. No other element that can poison the integrity of the community that is spread through the internet to be accessed by all human beings. ICT influence the level of modernity and contemporary life is inevitable and has great influence in the lives of young people or students in particu论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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