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色情和儿童色情的问题 [4]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2015-12-20编辑:jiaqiqin点击率:9490

论文字数:2543论文编号:org201512121229135508语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:Child PornMedia道德

摘要:一般来说,色情,而更图形话或故事化,其表现形式还有戏剧和艺术作品。 另一方面,它是一个伟大的和可怕的社会罪恶,贬低和减少我们的人性,同时也迫使我们面对社会禁忌。

enter for Missing and Exploited Children, 'It is important to realize that these images are crime scene photos - they are a permanent record of the abuse of a child. The lives of the children featured in these illegal images and videos are forever altered.'

执法的问题:限制和现实-The Problem with Enforcement: Restrictions and Reality

According to a recently released study of teen and young adults' behavior conducted online by Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group 'the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy', approximately one in five of all teens has sent or posted nude or semi-nude photos of themselves. This study, which was taken by 1,280 people ranging from ages 13 to 26, does not, however, show the repercussions faced by numerous teens. Last March, an 18 year old teen boy in Florida was charged with transporting child pornography after e-mailing nude pictures of his 16 year old girlfriend to over 70 people. He is now serving 5 years probation and is registered as a sex offender. A teen girl in Ohio recently hanged herself after the harassment which ensued after her boyfriend emailed nude and semi-nude pictures of her to friends, which later shoed up on the internet and spread throughout her school. While the study attempts to show that teens are expressing their own sexuality using the latest online technology (cell phones, texting, Facebook, etc.), what is not being said is that there is growing peer pressure among teens to create, trade in, and even mass distribute materials which the US Government views as child pornography. This argument is not helped, however, by a case which is being contested by the ACLU, in which a teen who had a picture of her taken in her bra distributed without her knowledge, and was then charged with distributing child pornography. While the prosecutor is stating that the photograph violates the definition of 'lewd behavior', but the defense claims that the photo was no more lewd than kids at a beach.

According to a January, 2010 article in the Guardian, new airport 'body-scanners' break child protection laws. The article states that 'A 12-month trial at Manchester airport of scanners which reveal naked images of passengers including their genitalia and breast enlargements.' They also state that 'Privacy campaigners claim the images created by the machines are so graphic they amount to 'virtual strip-searching''.

Associated press writer MaryClaire Dale reported in February on a situation with the Lower Merion school district. Lower Merion officials acknowledged that, using remote-activation software, they remotely activated webcams 42 times in the past 14 months, for the purpose of finding missing student laptops. 'They insist they never did so to spy on students' which is what a student's family is claiming in a federal lawsuit. Because of the nature of the lawsuit, the FBI is exploring whether Lower Merion School District officials broke any federal wiretap or computer-intrusion laws. Privacy experts stated that remote activation purposes can be used to 'steal passwords' or 'track the whereabouts of' others. They also say that 'Compromising images from inside a student's bedroom could fall into the hands of rogue school staff or otherwise be spread across the Internet'. Ari Schwartz, vice president at the Center for Democracy and Technology, was quoted as asking, 'What about the (potential) abuse of power from higher u论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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